Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Busy Times

~~Well I had quite the busy day yesterday. I got up super early on my holiday even though I didnt need to. I wanted to get stuff done and not waste the day. I did bits and bobs around the house first. Then I went nuts and touched up my CV and wrote a few cover letters for some jobs in Wellington. There was one I so want bad and its advertising for the under two department which im experienced in so yay :) Anyway I spent a while on my CV, I think I got a little bit too fussy on it and kept changing things here and there. I wanted to sell myself good as I need a job asap plus for the ones I really really want the job I had to make look good:)
I sent off a few CV's yesterday which I felt actually quite releived about.

~~When Scott finished work we went to Mitre 10 to get some packing tape. We then went to Warehouse stationary and got like 60m of bubble wrap for $20, then on the way home picked up some boxes a mate had for us. So yesterday late avo and night was the start of our packing. My gosh we have a lot of stuff. Even found some things I forgot we had hehe. Anyway I had lots of fun with the bubble wrap.

~~Today is going to be busy yet again. I plan to print of some more CVs and get them bound then sent. Then Im to go to book shop and sell Scotts old study books, as well as go into work and do some stuff I really need to do and do more packing which will involve a big clear up to of stuff ive ment to get rid of for ages! Also ment to go see a mate at some stage too :S Man this is when there are not enough hours in the day!!

~~Oh and Heather, I still cant access your blog :( I can get to the page where I have to click on your link and then it just loads and loads without doing anything. So I cant even get to the other bit where I put in my account and password :( Im so missing reading yours.

Well I better get to it, its gonna be a long busy day, and it looks lovely out which I prob wont see much of :(

1 comment:

Shandi said...

i was lucky i cleanned all my clothes out not long ago and got rid of heaps so i dont have that prob thank goodness!!
hell yeh just nic nak things that were hiding away