Wednesday, February 28, 2007

walking and strange creatures

Just a quick entry....
Went out for a walk again tonight, only half hour again. Decided to go the other way this time. Better roads with hills not so steep and easy to walk up. Felt tired from it as usual though, but i was tired to begin with. so far ive only mangaged two walks this week until i get used to it.

We also seem to have been getting a lot of strange visitors since we've been here. Scott has seen a couple of white tails, we had a mouse in James wardrobe, a cicada (spelling) that flew in our vent over the stove and today outside James bathroom I seen a big ass weater. Now they are creepy fuckers. Scott is freaked by them too. But i did the thing of getting it as i was going for my walk and i would have freaked if it wasnt there when i got back. I picked it up with a box and threw it out the window. Ive never really looked too up close at big ass ones didnt realise they had such big claw things ouch!!!!
Right bed as usual, have liked blobbing in bed watching tele and chatting before i fall asleep has been good!


Heather said...

Oh naughty me, two days and I havent commented...even though I've visited a few times each day lol.

Keep up the walking!

You can keep the weta and white tails, but mice are cute (unless you live in Perth and the snakes come to find them lol)

Quaver said...

Mice are not cute! They are so gross lol We had them so bad last year. Hated lying in bed at night hearing them inside the walls. Mouse poison soon fixed that lol

We had a wasp infestation once too. I couldn't hang clothes on the washing line for fear of being stung. I have never been stung by a wasp or bee ever!