Friday, June 22, 2007

bits and pieces

Last night I had fun chatting with Heather online...followed by an early night for a friday!
Didnt really sleep too good and was awake at 5am!! dozed till bout 8.30 where got up.
The bois went out to get supplies for the new fish tank. their plan today was to build a wooden cabniet around the metal frame that we have. After a lot of time farting around it was decided we had to go to the hutt to mitre ten mega which was good as we needed to go to the fish shop out there too. By that time it was something like 1.30pm on the way home got a very late late lunch burger fuel got home at 3.30. the bois have just started now i can here the drill and saw going. HOpe that no fingers go missing or they dont glue themselves to the wood lol.
Right now i am soooo full from our late lunch snack that i feel like sleeping.
I should do some more cross stitch i was doing some earlier before we went out. for now ill curl up in a ball on the couch and watch some mindless tele and no doubt prob snooze.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sucks when you get up early on your days off! This morning Flynn said to me at 8am that it was time I got out of bed-grr lol. His grandma and grandad were up, he just wanted me too lol.

I'm just thinking 'hmm 4pm so perhaps its time for a nana nap!' coz I know the boys are gonna want to watch movies until 2am tonight!