Well Scott got his new fish tank this week. It looks so much better then the one on trademe. He cant fill it up with water until next weekend as have to wait a bit for the glue to dry. Below is a pic of it. YOu will get the idea what i ment by needing holes and what not on it.

I had a good night last night catching up with a friend. We went to watch a theatre show which was done by some students at the theatre school. It was called 'Revenge of the amazon' Was quite good and bloody funny. They sorta talked in shakesparen mixed with a bit of language used today. Was all about love, relationships,and women how they can get treated badley but all turned into something humourous. Really good. I dont mind live theatre never thought id ever go to any but thats prob been my third i think.
Today the same friend and i went shopping. She had to return a bra she got from farmers as she realised it was the wrong size. We mainly window shopped. I did buy a cool funky bling butterfly ring hehe and a bling acssesory for my phone :P Ive taken photos which i may post up at a later date. We also had lunch. I had a nice bacon and avocado panni and choc chip cookie complimented with a yummy mango slushy kinda drink.
She then came to chill out for a bit with us at home. Before you know it, it was 5pm. Took her home and got the evil kfc on the way home damnit for forgetting to get dinner out of freezer again!
So thats my weekend so far. Appart from been bloody cold its good.
Hope you all having a good one.
Your lunch sounded so good!!
It's hard to grasp the size of that tank without reference but I see what you mean about the holes etc...
I dont eat much kfc these days, my body cant handle the fat (same with chinese) and I end up sick all evening lol.
~~~ Tank holds bout 500l
~~Yeh i always feel blah after it too lol. needa stay away from that crap
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