Sunday, July 08, 2007

Recent happenings

Hrmm not really sure if ive done anything interesting enough to blab in here.

Last week was good at work, same ol, a waiting game for things to arrive and happen to make it feel more realistic. I went to the gym bout 3 times. Im loving the treadmill lol.who would have thought it does so many different things like makes you feel like you are walking up a hill and works ya ass lol. Also got my free monthly massage on thursday at the gym too. I was slack and didnt go in the weekend. my back was sooo sore,is playing up. Today it was soo painful i had to watch myself at work. I feel comfy sitting down with a pillow behind me or laying down at the mo. cant stand up for long. I dont think its the gyms doing.

The weekend was fish tank stuff as usual :) Finally got the big bitch upstairs yay taking James, Scott and myself to do it. though the bois did most of the work. We had to take off the hand rails on the stairs and the doors to get it up and into the room lol.
ooooh yay and its full too woohhooo. with a bit of coral in it too. its looking good. Just gotta wait a few weeks now before fish go in it. the temp needs to go up more and make sure the amonia(sp) levels are up. plus scott has been fixing last min leaks in the plumbing too so yay. and i may get more fishes soon for my tank yay. and scott will steal that cool psychodalic fishy for his tank.

Mondays still suck lol. Well getting up really early in the morn when its bloody cold does.
Though today at work things seemed more realistic. we got to log on and off on the computer system today to show our hours so to get paid :) plus new forms to fill out for my department as well as the sign in sheets and medication sheets for the parents. Policies are also splashed on the walls which look dumb but have to be up somewhere on the wall by ABC's standards. we gonna move them later once the lady has gone who is helping us :P

Other then that im good, no winter bugs *touch wood* just a sore body where i feel like a nana lol.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Bugger, hope you feel better soon!

Yeah I like the treadmill! I hate those machines that make you step up though. They are far too much hard work lol.