I have a week off as from now wooohooo!!!
Feels sooo good already. yet ive just sat down as was doing washing and some baking.
I am going to the Naki tommrow. Suprising dad for fathers day he has no idea mums kept it quiet. Will stop off in levin to see nana and Palmy on the way to get Daniel cuddles i hope and go all awwww hehe.
So will take my time and stop off a bit since im going back myself
Anyhow i better go check my baking
ill try get on to read entries and maybe write one. ill prob be bak in welly by wednesday so i can have some days here to relax too before going back to work.
have a good weekend everyone
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Girls night and weekend!
Weekend was pretty cool. Friday night was a girls night out.(photos below) We went out for pre drinks and then dinner then some dancing. Had a good night even though my throat was sore and got worse by the night. To top it off got a headache too but i think by the end of the night we all did cause we were tired. (no not drunk had like two glasses of wine the whole night hehe).
dinner was nice. some italian restaurant. i had penne pasta with sundried tomatoes, mushrooms,and other vegies. We had a long wait for dinner as our table wasnt ready which sucks so we were sooo starving by dinner and then kinda over the starving where we felt full fast!
yesterday i spent doing washing and chilling. Went into central Welly bout 4pm with Scott and his mate. we looked at shops and i got dragged into the arcade. which i didnt mind too much. i had fun trying to win me one of those toys you try get with the machanical claw.I sucked. but scott won me a rabbit hehe cute.
we then took scotts mate to the yummy japanese restaurant we have been to before. soo good. great service. food is out just like that. we then went to the supermarket and got some ice cream for dessert later and all sat down and watched space cowboys.
today went to Porirua since there was an open home. picked up the rest of my clothes i had on layby and then got some buns and stuff for lunch and also got dinner.
now im really just gonna chill all avo, maybe watch a movie who knows...
My friend from school days
this girl is friends with my friend, she was cool
Weekend was pretty cool. Friday night was a girls night out.(photos below) We went out for pre drinks and then dinner then some dancing. Had a good night even though my throat was sore and got worse by the night. To top it off got a headache too but i think by the end of the night we all did cause we were tired. (no not drunk had like two glasses of wine the whole night hehe).
dinner was nice. some italian restaurant. i had penne pasta with sundried tomatoes, mushrooms,and other vegies. We had a long wait for dinner as our table wasnt ready which sucks so we were sooo starving by dinner and then kinda over the starving where we felt full fast!
yesterday i spent doing washing and chilling. Went into central Welly bout 4pm with Scott and his mate. we looked at shops and i got dragged into the arcade. which i didnt mind too much. i had fun trying to win me one of those toys you try get with the machanical claw.I sucked. but scott won me a rabbit hehe cute.
we then took scotts mate to the yummy japanese restaurant we have been to before. soo good. great service. food is out just like that. we then went to the supermarket and got some ice cream for dessert later and all sat down and watched space cowboys.
today went to Porirua since there was an open home. picked up the rest of my clothes i had on layby and then got some buns and stuff for lunch and also got dinner.
now im really just gonna chill all avo, maybe watch a movie who knows...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
all in a days work!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Shopping and brunch
Time for update...
Work has been busy as usual. Come home shattered and all that! The gym...well im trying my best. Not as hard out as you Heather.After i read your entries bout the gym I think man i needa work my butt more into going!!!
I have slowly started my teacher reg again. thought i better get back into it. My old boss is going to be my support tutor which is awesome. meaning she will mark things off as i do them. she marked some that i had done off on friday when she came in. and then was sooo lovely and had done up a whole page of notes for me to work on and get some done by next week where she will mark some more off. she is soo lovely didnt have to do that but at the same time its good as it gives me an idea of what they are wanting from me in the sections as sometimes its hard to get the idea what they are on about. when im all done, which wont be till next year, im gonna go out and buy her something as a thanks!!
Yesterday i went shopping for some pants and a top to go out in. as next friday night i going out for a girls night. pre drinks, dinner then more drinks and dancing. so that should be fun as cant wait. I found a nice pair of comfy black pants and a nice black and white lacy type singlet top.(will post pics if i get any of me on frid). i also ended up putting 3 other tops on layby hehe oops. two more going out ones and a casual one. im still in need of more clothes but thre are always another days. i need $$ for when i have my week off as going up to the naki for few days and call into palmy too. yay cant wait stace to see yas and bubs:)
Today Scotts mate arrived from the naki. He is staying for a week which is nice. Him and Scott will do the boi things like games and stuff and i prob wont see them all week lol. Scott took a week off so yeh. unfortunately its not when i have my week off so ill have to go up to the naki myself. ahh well ill put some musik on my ipod and blast that all the way!!
Today i also went out for brunch with my friends. as one of my friends cant make it to the girls night next friday as she is away:(. we went to a nice cafe. i got eggs benedict, had never had it before it was yummy!! totally full after. but we walked it off by browsing stores and then had to walk back to my friends house as i left my car there. (shes only bout 25min from town) So i feel like ive done a work out today with all the walkin we done in town and walking back to my car as i had a tonne of stairs which were on a big ass hill to walk up too lol.
im thinking i should start up swimming again like we did in palmy ages ago...hrmm we will see.
hows ya aqua aerobics going Heather?
Right now im blobbing while the bois are in the comp room chatting and doing boi things!
i think ill do some more teacher reg, though i could so go to sleep right now!
Work has been busy as usual. Come home shattered and all that! The gym...well im trying my best. Not as hard out as you Heather.After i read your entries bout the gym I think man i needa work my butt more into going!!!
I have slowly started my teacher reg again. thought i better get back into it. My old boss is going to be my support tutor which is awesome. meaning she will mark things off as i do them. she marked some that i had done off on friday when she came in. and then was sooo lovely and had done up a whole page of notes for me to work on and get some done by next week where she will mark some more off. she is soo lovely didnt have to do that but at the same time its good as it gives me an idea of what they are wanting from me in the sections as sometimes its hard to get the idea what they are on about. when im all done, which wont be till next year, im gonna go out and buy her something as a thanks!!
Yesterday i went shopping for some pants and a top to go out in. as next friday night i going out for a girls night. pre drinks, dinner then more drinks and dancing. so that should be fun as cant wait. I found a nice pair of comfy black pants and a nice black and white lacy type singlet top.(will post pics if i get any of me on frid). i also ended up putting 3 other tops on layby hehe oops. two more going out ones and a casual one. im still in need of more clothes but thre are always another days. i need $$ for when i have my week off as going up to the naki for few days and call into palmy too. yay cant wait stace to see yas and bubs:)
Today Scotts mate arrived from the naki. He is staying for a week which is nice. Him and Scott will do the boi things like games and stuff and i prob wont see them all week lol. Scott took a week off so yeh. unfortunately its not when i have my week off so ill have to go up to the naki myself. ahh well ill put some musik on my ipod and blast that all the way!!
Today i also went out for brunch with my friends. as one of my friends cant make it to the girls night next friday as she is away:(. we went to a nice cafe. i got eggs benedict, had never had it before it was yummy!! totally full after. but we walked it off by browsing stores and then had to walk back to my friends house as i left my car there. (shes only bout 25min from town) So i feel like ive done a work out today with all the walkin we done in town and walking back to my car as i had a tonne of stairs which were on a big ass hill to walk up too lol.
im thinking i should start up swimming again like we did in palmy ages ago...hrmm we will see.
hows ya aqua aerobics going Heather?
Right now im blobbing while the bois are in the comp room chatting and doing boi things!
i think ill do some more teacher reg, though i could so go to sleep right now!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
What a busy weekend. On friday i was ment to finish work at 3.30. didnt get home till 6pm lol. our toys at work arrived like after 3pm so i helped unload the truck and help start opening some boxes and ticking things off.Well there were so many and the kiddies were all excited with the boxes as they knew it was their toys in them. the next day my arms felt like i had done a work out haha.
Saturday spent cleanning our house, doing washing etc. Scott and i went out for breakie/brunch which was nice. i got a yummy hollandaise, bacon and tomato sammie. scott got his crepes again with banana and maple surup. soo yummy. we didnt feel like lunch until like 2.30 lol.
Was soo exhausted from organising the house etc. ended up watching ghost ship which i have seen before. and had a nap lol. had intentions of doing some cross stitch but that didnt happen. spent time blobbing with scott all night which was nice.
Today went into work from bout 11am till 5pm sorting out the toys. it feels as if we got no where there were me and my boss and her two daughters helping. got things uppacked and into containers and some things assembled. still havent upacked some boxes. for now they are all stored in one room which will be blocked off and out of bounds for the kids while from tommrow onwards we start unapcking. a long process. soo many toys. worse part is finding them on the list to tick off and unpacking stuff that needs assembling and has twist ties to undo.
oh and we found a lil friend in our boxes hehe. a dead shrivled from. boxes came from aussie lol. so yeh we not sure what to do with it but we kept it just in case.
so right now i am sooo tired. and so sick of toys haha
have a roast chicken on for tea so looking forward to that then an early night. going to be a long day tommrow with work.
oh and btw i dont get paid for any of that, i helped out on my own accord and was the only staff member who did. our staff are slack, would not think to be nice and help and would expect everything under the sun for it!!
Saturday spent cleanning our house, doing washing etc. Scott and i went out for breakie/brunch which was nice. i got a yummy hollandaise, bacon and tomato sammie. scott got his crepes again with banana and maple surup. soo yummy. we didnt feel like lunch until like 2.30 lol.
Was soo exhausted from organising the house etc. ended up watching ghost ship which i have seen before. and had a nap lol. had intentions of doing some cross stitch but that didnt happen. spent time blobbing with scott all night which was nice.
Today went into work from bout 11am till 5pm sorting out the toys. it feels as if we got no where there were me and my boss and her two daughters helping. got things uppacked and into containers and some things assembled. still havent upacked some boxes. for now they are all stored in one room which will be blocked off and out of bounds for the kids while from tommrow onwards we start unapcking. a long process. soo many toys. worse part is finding them on the list to tick off and unpacking stuff that needs assembling and has twist ties to undo.
oh and we found a lil friend in our boxes hehe. a dead shrivled from. boxes came from aussie lol. so yeh we not sure what to do with it but we kept it just in case.
so right now i am sooo tired. and so sick of toys haha
have a roast chicken on for tea so looking forward to that then an early night. going to be a long day tommrow with work.
oh and btw i dont get paid for any of that, i helped out on my own accord and was the only staff member who did. our staff are slack, would not think to be nice and help and would expect everything under the sun for it!!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Busy Busy
Well not much has really happend this week though i have felt sooo busy.
I have been trying to squeeze in the gym when i can the best i can. though i know i should be going more :S
Ive had meetings and things to go to for work that need to be done. Went to a seminar thingee too all bout how to manage our own stress hehe and children with behavioural probs and leading up to ADHD and autistic children. very interesting. though it went for ages and i was soooo tired, cold and hungry during it. went from bout 6-8.30. lucky i was good and cooked some dinner like bout 5pm for us, so scott could heat his up when he wanted and i did when i got home to save hassle, man i was starving lol.
By Wednesdays i feel so trashed, and especially cause its my day of been in charge and i have a million things running around in my head to do, parcels turning up here and there and people ringing and popping in. all good challenge though and im still loving it great experience. Our toys havent turned up either at work :( they said they were delivered last friday, yeh right. turns out the delivery people have left them sitting in storage for all that time.(they got a blowing up big time too) but yay we are getting them tommrow and hopefully its before i finish!!. then in the weekend i will prob go and help the boss unpack them all and figure out what toys we do have to keep etc. will be fun yet a long process.
the lady i work with in the nursery is going on holiday for two weeks on sat. she is going to aussie. to sydney i think and cairns and brissie to visit friends and family. so i know it will be hard without her for that time as we will have a reliever filling in. then she is back for a week and then i have a week off yays!!! cant wait!!!!
anyway im going to head off and cook dinner and also cook a rice dish up for our lunches tommrow since im sooo good. (well acutually cause i suck at what to have for lunch so at last min am trying to find things to have)
Well not much has really happend this week though i have felt sooo busy.
I have been trying to squeeze in the gym when i can the best i can. though i know i should be going more :S
Ive had meetings and things to go to for work that need to be done. Went to a seminar thingee too all bout how to manage our own stress hehe and children with behavioural probs and leading up to ADHD and autistic children. very interesting. though it went for ages and i was soooo tired, cold and hungry during it. went from bout 6-8.30. lucky i was good and cooked some dinner like bout 5pm for us, so scott could heat his up when he wanted and i did when i got home to save hassle, man i was starving lol.
By Wednesdays i feel so trashed, and especially cause its my day of been in charge and i have a million things running around in my head to do, parcels turning up here and there and people ringing and popping in. all good challenge though and im still loving it great experience. Our toys havent turned up either at work :( they said they were delivered last friday, yeh right. turns out the delivery people have left them sitting in storage for all that time.(they got a blowing up big time too) but yay we are getting them tommrow and hopefully its before i finish!!. then in the weekend i will prob go and help the boss unpack them all and figure out what toys we do have to keep etc. will be fun yet a long process.
the lady i work with in the nursery is going on holiday for two weeks on sat. she is going to aussie. to sydney i think and cairns and brissie to visit friends and family. so i know it will be hard without her for that time as we will have a reliever filling in. then she is back for a week and then i have a week off yays!!! cant wait!!!!
anyway im going to head off and cook dinner and also cook a rice dish up for our lunches tommrow since im sooo good. (well acutually cause i suck at what to have for lunch so at last min am trying to find things to have)
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Weekend things
Dinner on Friday night was cool as. Spent the whole time giggling away, had a sore mouth by the end of it lol. The food was ok i guess well mine was anyway. I got chicken fetticine (sp) couldnt eat it all and then felt bloated all night. We went to a nice quiet place which is near the police collage here. My old boss shouted us all as a thanks sorta thing, and she had made us all some quilting which was ment as a coaster for a mug she had got us all, so that was nice. We gave her necklace and earring set. They were a trendy green colour that she loved, as she took off the jewerely she was wearing and put it on hehe. and it matchd her outfit was awesome!!
Other then that we have made sure the house is clean etc as we had an open home today but also had people come in yesterday. We are all sooooo over it!! and have decided we dont want people coming in on sat its kinda our day and a day where we will clean and make sure its all good for open homes on sunday.
Went to the dump too which sucked. It was raining and well lets say it didnt make sense like sign posted etc so couldnt figure out where to go first. We had a place to dump white ware and electrical stuff and recycle everything else
what happend to the day of just dumping everything??? We were pissed and wet so threw it all in as fast as we could lol!!
Today we had to be out for open home so Scott and I went out to lunch we found a nice cafe, I had a chicken and avocado salad. Scott got crepes in maple surup with bacon bananas and fruit salad. he got it and it had kiwi fruit in it. kiwi fruit = bad as he is highly allergic and end up in hospital or die. so i demanded it replaced for free (as they dont usually do that apparently) but like ive never got kiwi fruit in a fruit salad when im out, only like if its homemade or something.. Got a new one made which he scoffed down hehe. The girl was lovely who brought it over to us though so that was nice.
This avo blobbed out and watched Cars, could have dozed off to sleep on the couch too, but if i had of done that i wouldnt sleep tonight.
James came home with takeaways and made me feel hungry hehe...I dont wanna cook!!
Dinner on Friday night was cool as. Spent the whole time giggling away, had a sore mouth by the end of it lol. The food was ok i guess well mine was anyway. I got chicken fetticine (sp) couldnt eat it all and then felt bloated all night. We went to a nice quiet place which is near the police collage here. My old boss shouted us all as a thanks sorta thing, and she had made us all some quilting which was ment as a coaster for a mug she had got us all, so that was nice. We gave her necklace and earring set. They were a trendy green colour that she loved, as she took off the jewerely she was wearing and put it on hehe. and it matchd her outfit was awesome!!
Other then that we have made sure the house is clean etc as we had an open home today but also had people come in yesterday. We are all sooooo over it!! and have decided we dont want people coming in on sat its kinda our day and a day where we will clean and make sure its all good for open homes on sunday.
Went to the dump too which sucked. It was raining and well lets say it didnt make sense like sign posted etc so couldnt figure out where to go first. We had a place to dump white ware and electrical stuff and recycle everything else
what happend to the day of just dumping everything??? We were pissed and wet so threw it all in as fast as we could lol!!
Today we had to be out for open home so Scott and I went out to lunch we found a nice cafe, I had a chicken and avocado salad. Scott got crepes in maple surup with bacon bananas and fruit salad. he got it and it had kiwi fruit in it. kiwi fruit = bad as he is highly allergic and end up in hospital or die. so i demanded it replaced for free (as they dont usually do that apparently) but like ive never got kiwi fruit in a fruit salad when im out, only like if its homemade or something.. Got a new one made which he scoffed down hehe. The girl was lovely who brought it over to us though so that was nice.
This avo blobbed out and watched Cars, could have dozed off to sleep on the couch too, but if i had of done that i wouldnt sleep tonight.
James came home with takeaways and made me feel hungry hehe...I dont wanna cook!!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
RIP Fish and Shrimp :(
Ok... so we aint having a good week fish wise. My 'Bra' fishy he died tues night/wed morn. On tues night we noticed white spots on him and he couldnt keep his bouyency and was breathing really fast. So we put him in his own lil cage thing within the tank to keep him away from other fish which were annoying him. even tried feeding him garlic soaked food which we heard cures what we thought was white spot. No one really knows what he had maybe some bacterial disease. It also killed all our cool coral (big ass mushrooms we had) :( So yeh pretty gutted. Our other fish are all good and apparently if it was bacterial they will be ok so phew.
Scott also got a lil baby shrimp bout 2cm soo cute. But the lil bugga got suked up on his power head fans he has in his tank. I even warned him not to go near them too. When i was out shopping tonight i got a text saying hes gone damn thing. We had named him 'Jif' as he was a cleanner shrimp hehe.
I got another fish that arrived with scotts shrimp. Its a cool bright purple/pink thing. Ill show you pics when i get round to taking one. I think ive named him 'ra' so far as he will swim along and then flare all his fins out as if hes is going 'raaaaaaaaaaa' to scare you hehe.
And also Scott got an email saying some fish had arrived. He was like umm what fish lol. Forgot he had ordered some lil cheap fish which were going to be his test fish for his tank but he found the cool blue tang 'hippo' instead. So they are in my tank too lol. Two of them kinda hard to describe them but i will take a pic sometime soon. aint named them, prob just be 'the twins' or something as ya cant tell them apart lol.
So yeh sorry to bore you all with fish things once again!!!!
Going out for dinner tommrow night. My old boss is shouting us all as a thank you going away thing for her selling the centre. So that should be fun as. So tonight i was out shopping with the new boss trying to find a pressie. Ended up getting her this cool as necklace and earring set which i think she will like. So i am looking forward to a nice meal and a few laughs, getting to know the staff outside of work.
On another note my job as 2IC is going good. Hard work sometimes and a bit grr at the staff when they are soo stupid or lazy etc. Know how the boss feels now.Wednesday i spent running around the place, spending time on the phone, emailing lots i felt like and making sure the kiddies were ok as temperatures and bugs are going around at the mo.
Anyway im off to bed shortly, its been a long day!!
Scott also got a lil baby shrimp bout 2cm soo cute. But the lil bugga got suked up on his power head fans he has in his tank. I even warned him not to go near them too. When i was out shopping tonight i got a text saying hes gone damn thing. We had named him 'Jif' as he was a cleanner shrimp hehe.
I got another fish that arrived with scotts shrimp. Its a cool bright purple/pink thing. Ill show you pics when i get round to taking one. I think ive named him 'ra' so far as he will swim along and then flare all his fins out as if hes is going 'raaaaaaaaaaa' to scare you hehe.
And also Scott got an email saying some fish had arrived. He was like umm what fish lol. Forgot he had ordered some lil cheap fish which were going to be his test fish for his tank but he found the cool blue tang 'hippo' instead. So they are in my tank too lol. Two of them kinda hard to describe them but i will take a pic sometime soon. aint named them, prob just be 'the twins' or something as ya cant tell them apart lol.
So yeh sorry to bore you all with fish things once again!!!!
Going out for dinner tommrow night. My old boss is shouting us all as a thank you going away thing for her selling the centre. So that should be fun as. So tonight i was out shopping with the new boss trying to find a pressie. Ended up getting her this cool as necklace and earring set which i think she will like. So i am looking forward to a nice meal and a few laughs, getting to know the staff outside of work.
On another note my job as 2IC is going good. Hard work sometimes and a bit grr at the staff when they are soo stupid or lazy etc. Know how the boss feels now.Wednesday i spent running around the place, spending time on the phone, emailing lots i felt like and making sure the kiddies were ok as temperatures and bugs are going around at the mo.
Anyway im off to bed shortly, its been a long day!!
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