Weekend was pretty cool. Friday night was a girls night out.(photos below) We went out for pre drinks and then dinner then some dancing. Had a good night even though my throat was sore and got worse by the night. To top it off got a headache too but i think by the end of the night we all did cause we were tired. (no not drunk had like two glasses of wine the whole night hehe).
dinner was nice. some italian restaurant. i had penne pasta with sundried tomatoes, mushrooms,and other vegies. We had a long wait for dinner as our table wasnt ready which sucks so we were sooo starving by dinner and then kinda over the starving where we felt full fast!
yesterday i spent doing washing and chilling. Went into central Welly bout 4pm with Scott and his mate. we looked at shops and i got dragged into the arcade. which i didnt mind too much. i had fun trying to win me one of those toys you try get with the machanical claw.I sucked. but scott won me a rabbit hehe cute.
we then took scotts mate to the yummy japanese restaurant we have been to before. soo good. great service. food is out just like that. we then went to the supermarket and got some ice cream for dessert later and all sat down and watched space cowboys.
today went to Porirua since there was an open home. picked up the rest of my clothes i had on layby and then got some buns and stuff for lunch and also got dinner.
now im really just gonna chill all avo, maybe watch a movie who knows...

Oh loving your top! Your friend looks older than you lol.
Yeh shes a year older then me hehe
thanks, that is the top i got the other week
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