Thursday, August 02, 2007

RIP Fish and Shrimp :(

Ok... so we aint having a good week fish wise. My 'Bra' fishy he died tues night/wed morn. On tues night we noticed white spots on him and he couldnt keep his bouyency and was breathing really fast. So we put him in his own lil cage thing within the tank to keep him away from other fish which were annoying him. even tried feeding him garlic soaked food which we heard cures what we thought was white spot. No one really knows what he had maybe some bacterial disease. It also killed all our cool coral (big ass mushrooms we had) :( So yeh pretty gutted. Our other fish are all good and apparently if it was bacterial they will be ok so phew.
Scott also got a lil baby shrimp bout 2cm soo cute. But the lil bugga got suked up on his power head fans he has in his tank. I even warned him not to go near them too. When i was out shopping tonight i got a text saying hes gone damn thing. We had named him 'Jif' as he was a cleanner shrimp hehe.
I got another fish that arrived with scotts shrimp. Its a cool bright purple/pink thing. Ill show you pics when i get round to taking one. I think ive named him 'ra' so far as he will swim along and then flare all his fins out as if hes is going 'raaaaaaaaaaa' to scare you hehe.
And also Scott got an email saying some fish had arrived. He was like umm what fish lol. Forgot he had ordered some lil cheap fish which were going to be his test fish for his tank but he found the cool blue tang 'hippo' instead. So they are in my tank too lol. Two of them kinda hard to describe them but i will take a pic sometime soon. aint named them, prob just be 'the twins' or something as ya cant tell them apart lol.

So yeh sorry to bore you all with fish things once again!!!!

Going out for dinner tommrow night. My old boss is shouting us all as a thank you going away thing for her selling the centre. So that should be fun as. So tonight i was out shopping with the new boss trying to find a pressie. Ended up getting her this cool as necklace and earring set which i think she will like. So i am looking forward to a nice meal and a few laughs, getting to know the staff outside of work.

On another note my job as 2IC is going good. Hard work sometimes and a bit grr at the staff when they are soo stupid or lazy etc. Know how the boss feels now.Wednesday i spent running around the place, spending time on the phone, emailing lots i felt like and making sure the kiddies were ok as temperatures and bugs are going around at the mo.

Anyway im off to bed shortly, its been a long day!!



Heather said...

I dont mind reading about fish, I've had fish on and off in my life.

I was so disappointed when bra died, as bra was one of my favourites!

Kelly said...

It must be the weak for dying fish. My pet fish (5 lovely assorted cold water fish) at my parents all died this week from a mystery bug :'(

Shandi said...

~~Heather i know bra was soo cool he looked awesome as he glided through the water!
~~Penny wow thats strange, all 5 died! It sucks when they die especially cause we know ours cost lots of $$