The meeting with the surgeon went well this morn. Scott now feels a sense of relief that something is going to be done to fix his pain. The surgeon basically looked at his xrays and other notes he had. Then gave him an examination poked and proded etc which Scott was totallly sore after but needed to be done so he knew stuff. It turns out Scotts broken collar not healing after so long is a rare thing to occur. The surgeon says by the xrays it looks as if its tried to heal with scar tissue around it. So he has another 40 days off work by the surgeon demands and that doesnt include surgery time. He has to wait till acc clear to give funding since we are going private. so he should be under the knife by end of oct early nov the surgeon said. then takes 8weeks after to heal.
They will have to make a cut by his collar bone and also his hip. take bone from his hip to put with his collarbone and then put a thin plate over top. So yeh it was really good. Surgeon really nice and was great he went over the surgery now too so Scott knew what to expect.
I didnt get to work till like 10am today so felt like a nice short day was great. I was gonna go to the gym but my back is really sore today, then to top it off of smacked my side into a shelf at work before i finished which totally left a big ass bruise and affect my back too. so im bit sore and tender, dumb thing to do eh lol.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The usual
yeh i know i havent written in this in a while...
This weekend kinda relaxing really which is how they should be. Spent some time in the new fish shop in petone once again lol i just like going to look at the cool fish and they have two cute dogs running around the store.
I got to hold a lil turtle too,to help me with my decision of getting one hehe. i want one some day. :P
Today woke up feeling soo tired still had a crap sleep cause scott was tossing and turning all night. and i hate this day light saving thing. will be cool when its warmer, bring out the bbq yay.
Was good and done some of my teacher reg today which i needa get done by next week to get marked off. ive been a bit slack and have got a bit to do, but ill get there. gonna do a lil more before bed.
Have to take scott tommrw morn to see the surgeon which will be good as will know whats happening. Prob will get surgery in like 3 weeks if he needs it which looks like he totally does! so yeh once its all done and hes fixed it will be great. be able to get out and do more like dinner, bowling stuff like that. sucks how he has his days hes sooo sore that doesnt wanna go anywhere.
Anyway thats me really. plain and boring
This weekend kinda relaxing really which is how they should be. Spent some time in the new fish shop in petone once again lol i just like going to look at the cool fish and they have two cute dogs running around the store.
I got to hold a lil turtle too,to help me with my decision of getting one hehe. i want one some day. :P
Today woke up feeling soo tired still had a crap sleep cause scott was tossing and turning all night. and i hate this day light saving thing. will be cool when its warmer, bring out the bbq yay.
Was good and done some of my teacher reg today which i needa get done by next week to get marked off. ive been a bit slack and have got a bit to do, but ill get there. gonna do a lil more before bed.
Have to take scott tommrw morn to see the surgeon which will be good as will know whats happening. Prob will get surgery in like 3 weeks if he needs it which looks like he totally does! so yeh once its all done and hes fixed it will be great. be able to get out and do more like dinner, bowling stuff like that. sucks how he has his days hes sooo sore that doesnt wanna go anywhere.
Anyway thats me really. plain and boring
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Sore and lunch
Totally sore today from lifting those 20l containers yesterday fill with salt water. Infact my back is really sore :S.
Today was a nice day but an overcast day. Still great weather though and not cold. We went for lunch to a lady scott works with house. Nice bbq lunch with her and her husband and some of their mates. Pretty cool people and all into their bikes and things too so heard all the stories lol.
Didnt end up getting home till bout 3pm, where i done my usual fish tank stuff and then kinda blobbed on the couch where i still am. Feel like a lay down but know i wouldnt sleep tonight if i did. I should really pop some painkillers for my back though!
Im in one of those i know i should be doing something moods yet cant get up motivation to do anything! sometimes i just wish id fall asleep and wake up and things would be done!!
Today was a nice day but an overcast day. Still great weather though and not cold. We went for lunch to a lady scott works with house. Nice bbq lunch with her and her husband and some of their mates. Pretty cool people and all into their bikes and things too so heard all the stories lol.
Didnt end up getting home till bout 3pm, where i done my usual fish tank stuff and then kinda blobbed on the couch where i still am. Feel like a lay down but know i wouldnt sleep tonight if i did. I should really pop some painkillers for my back though!
Im in one of those i know i should be doing something moods yet cant get up motivation to do anything! sometimes i just wish id fall asleep and wake up and things would be done!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Gorgeous weather
I am loving this weather here lately. It has been freaking gorgeous!!! Last few days have been primo here in Welly. Roll on summer!!!
Today I had a good day. I done usual washing this morn and then i went and met my mate for brunch/lunch in town. Such a nice day for it. Went to a really nice place and got good ol eggs benedict again and a freshly squeezed orange juice. My mate is going to london in 5 weeks so catching up with her as much as i can as ill miss her heaps. shes an old school friend have known her for years.
Got home and scott wanted to go out to plimmerton and fill up some 20l containers we have with sea water for the fishes. its good to do that every now and then for the tank, cant get salt water any fresher then that. Had lots of fun out there in the sun carting containers back to the car after scott filled them up. got and ice cream on the way home since i thought it was perfect weather for one:) I am now buggered from it hehe. Feeling tired may have to have a nap so can blob later and maybe watch movies, othrwise ill fall asleep.
on a not so good note. scotts shoulder has been really sore lately and getting worse. hes seen a few docs about it and they say its all good. well he finally got sick of it and wanted an xray. turns out his collar bone still broken and his crash was like 5months ago. he made need surgery. he is going to see a surgeon in two weeks!! so yeh kinda not good and he is pissed big time as am i!! stupid health system...
Hope ya weekend is going well.
Today I had a good day. I done usual washing this morn and then i went and met my mate for brunch/lunch in town. Such a nice day for it. Went to a really nice place and got good ol eggs benedict again and a freshly squeezed orange juice. My mate is going to london in 5 weeks so catching up with her as much as i can as ill miss her heaps. shes an old school friend have known her for years.
Got home and scott wanted to go out to plimmerton and fill up some 20l containers we have with sea water for the fishes. its good to do that every now and then for the tank, cant get salt water any fresher then that. Had lots of fun out there in the sun carting containers back to the car after scott filled them up. got and ice cream on the way home since i thought it was perfect weather for one:) I am now buggered from it hehe. Feeling tired may have to have a nap so can blob later and maybe watch movies, othrwise ill fall asleep.
on a not so good note. scotts shoulder has been really sore lately and getting worse. hes seen a few docs about it and they say its all good. well he finally got sick of it and wanted an xray. turns out his collar bone still broken and his crash was like 5months ago. he made need surgery. he is going to see a surgeon in two weeks!! so yeh kinda not good and he is pissed big time as am i!! stupid health system...
Hope ya weekend is going well.
All Mine
My tv -50" lcd is offically all mine woohhooo!!Final payment was made on it yesterday. Feels soo good and ill have extra $$ to look forward to weekly.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Have kinda neglected this blog lately. Been busy and I guess cant be assed writing in it too.
Work has been busy as. Was hard to get back into it after having a week off. Have had things to do after work as well as try and get some relaxing time and squeeze in the gym.
Went to a CYFS seminar last week which was quite shocking on the figures of abuse etc...Sad really:( But helped us out a bit as teachers of not to be afraid to put anything forward to them if we suspect something.
Seem to be having a good run with fish lately. Got some newbies which ive put up at the end. Plus one of my pretty purple goby which ive been meaning to get pics of.
Kinda only been cleanning and mucking bout this weekend really. Feels like have been busy though. I havent done any work stuff ive ment to have done yet must get onto that i guess.
At the mo it is shit outside, depressing really and it is feeling cold
Purple Goby aka Ra (cause he swims fast then sticks his finns up as if hes going raaaa to scare ya hehe)
Blue Chromis aka Kronos (his colour changes when theres not much light to a really light blue or even white)
Pink Skunk Clowns aka Romeo(small) and Juliet
I just liked this pic of one of them eating :)
Work has been busy as. Was hard to get back into it after having a week off. Have had things to do after work as well as try and get some relaxing time and squeeze in the gym.
Went to a CYFS seminar last week which was quite shocking on the figures of abuse etc...Sad really:( But helped us out a bit as teachers of not to be afraid to put anything forward to them if we suspect something.
Seem to be having a good run with fish lately. Got some newbies which ive put up at the end. Plus one of my pretty purple goby which ive been meaning to get pics of.
Kinda only been cleanning and mucking bout this weekend really. Feels like have been busy though. I havent done any work stuff ive ment to have done yet must get onto that i guess.
At the mo it is shit outside, depressing really and it is feeling cold

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
im back
was an ok time. nice and relaxing where i didnt have do do nothing
weather was shitty as most of time. spent time watching new crime channel on sky and some movies.
saw staceys bub on the way up. hes sooo cute and i got cuddles yay.
on way back called into my old work. gosh kids all grown up some were only jst crawling when i lfet and now thy are walking!!
anyway thats bout it
had a quick lookies at entries. nice pics heather and chrissy
was an ok time. nice and relaxing where i didnt have do do nothing
weather was shitty as most of time. spent time watching new crime channel on sky and some movies.
saw staceys bub on the way up. hes sooo cute and i got cuddles yay.
on way back called into my old work. gosh kids all grown up some were only jst crawling when i lfet and now thy are walking!!
anyway thats bout it
had a quick lookies at entries. nice pics heather and chrissy
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