Sunday, September 30, 2007

The usual

yeh i know i havent written in this in a while...
This weekend kinda relaxing really which is how they should be. Spent some time in the new fish shop in petone once again lol i just like going to look at the cool fish and they have two cute dogs running around the store.
I got to hold a lil turtle too,to help me with my decision of getting one hehe. i want one some day. :P
Today woke up feeling soo tired still had a crap sleep cause scott was tossing and turning all night. and i hate this day light saving thing. will be cool when its warmer, bring out the bbq yay.
Was good and done some of my teacher reg today which i needa get done by next week to get marked off. ive been a bit slack and have got a bit to do, but ill get there. gonna do a lil more before bed.
Have to take scott tommrw morn to see the surgeon which will be good as will know whats happening. Prob will get surgery in like 3 weeks if he needs it which looks like he totally does! so yeh once its all done and hes fixed it will be great. be able to get out and do more like dinner, bowling stuff like that. sucks how he has his days hes sooo sore that doesnt wanna go anywhere.

Anyway thats me really. plain and boring


Heather said...

I dunno why, but it seems like you and Scott have this really comfortable relationship. I've totally never heard anything bad or upsetting about how he has treated you and it seems you really love each other. *cough*youregonnaendupmarried*cough*:P

Hope all goes well tomorrow for you both!

Shandi said...

aww thanks :)
yeh guess thats true i dont say anything bad hes done. sure he pisses me off at times lol but thats usual cause he hasnt done some cleanning or some stupid stuff i asked.
lol ill be waiting all my life for him to ask me haha