Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Neglected gym..


Heather your gym routine makes me feel tired just looking at it even if its not that much
I have neglected the gym this week :( been so busy this week, then tired, then sore (totally sore as side and back still after i wacked it at work on monday!!) so that kinda doesnt get me going. ive wanted to sit down before dinner anyway and get some of my teacher reg done, i have till like next monday or tuesday i think before my old boss comes in and marks them off. Time has just gone so fast and i kinda got behind in it oops.
Today at work was good. My day of been in charge. Very quiet day so i got some of the kiddies profiles down which have been neglected lately too due to not been able to get off the floor to do them.
Got home from work today, had a nice hot shower and then i sat and soaked my feet in my foot bath soooo good!!! i feel all relaxed and refreshed now, ready to do at least another section tonight on my teacher reg. then early night i think. i have been saying that all week but can never sleep, end up falling asleep in bed with the tele



Heather said...

Lol, good so I'm not feeling tired all on my own then lol. Yesterday I hurt so much and Ryan didnt hurt at all!

I dont think it matters if you neglect it for more important things, which I think your teacher registration is! Besides, injury means time off, and I'm sure you'll get back to it soon.

Dunno how I missed this entry yesterday!

Quaver said...

I am so not motivated for gym at the moment! Not after a week off because my brother was here. Oh well, back to aqua exercise tomorrow, yay!