Monday, January 07, 2008

new toys

hrmm for some reason i thought i had done an entry...

Anyway i finally bought a new camera in the weekend yay. I dragged Scott out for lunch. On the way we ended up going to harvey's. Came out with a new sony cybershot camera and a 32" lcd tele lol. Scott got the tele. its for the bedroom. we were sick of squinting hard out at the lil 14" when we watched tele in bed. well going from a 50" in the lounge to a14" in the bedroom sucked lol.
Tele is awesome great size for our room. our room quite big. and now i luv watching tele in bed and dont fall asleep through shit like i did lol.
cameara is cool. has one of those smile detection thingees which had funn trying. lots of fish pics got taken with it too lol

ahh well back at work which im trying to get used to. damn early morns again when ya used to sleeping in. *sigh*

That is all



Heather said...

Nope, you def didnt do one, i've been checking lol.

Yay for new cameras!I saw some cute as cybershots in Hong Kong, pink, green etc...

Oh yeah, I wouldnt go back to a small tv in the bedroom lol. Sounds like an expensive day!

Quaver said...

I can't imagine having a big tv like that in my bedroom lol. Although the bigger TVs are pretty much the same price as the smaller ones.

Shandi said...

~~Heather: yeh fuji have cool as colour ones well more of a selection. i opted for sony since fuji was my old camera. got a black one its neat(was nice not to get pink so scott could use too hehe plus pink wasnt that great)
and defin big tv soo much better in the bedroom lol
~~Chrissy: yup sometimes its better to get the bigger tv's which cost the same as small why not? lol.

Heather said...

And btw, where are the photos then!? :P

Heather said...

Miss Shandi, I've checked for entries every day for three weeks so instead, could you please just let me know when you do an entry? Thank you!