My first day went really well. I got to start at 9am and finished at 5pm. Suprisingly the day went fast and I didnt feel tired at all until I got home and sat down. My boss is so organised and lovely. My name was on the board welcoming me to the centre. She left me for the first hour to roam around and get to know the children and staff. I then met with her in the office where she gave me a key (as I will be opening the centre soon 7am starts ahhh) and a sheet of paper of what she will be going over with me for the next 3 days, talk about totally organised. My name is set up everywhere, on rosters, the computer, got a photo taken which she put up in the foyer with all the others.!! My boss wasnt there long today as her daughter is back from london for a week so wont see her much.
The staff all made me feel so welcome. In some way I think more welcome then when I started my job in palmy. Everyone seems so chilled and relaxed (sure they tell off the kids but just got a differnt vibe then from old job). I workd with two lovely ladies today upstairs in my department. Bascially i could observe the whole day if i wanted. I did do that and more, got right into it helping them out and getting to know the children. It was cool that by the afternoon some of the children came to me:)
Ive seen so many cool and new ideas already too. Also a few things that i cant wait to do, for example setting up a board for art to be displayed!
I think this job is going to be good. I think by the vibe I got from the staff and also parents I met today. I even had some parents tell me that there are lovely people that work here, so that was nice to get that kind of feedback.
Well I will be in bed early tonight hehe...and by friday ill be stuffed!! will have to get used to these 7am starts but bonus is i get to finish early which will be good for if i need to do things after work!
Night all!!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
MOre photos :P
I feel like im on a role putting up photos hehe.Here are some from our trip in Rotorua at the Paradise Valley Springs. So gutted didnt get any in Napier at the Aquarium as my camera went bung. Typical its working now though!!
Thankies Heather for telling me to add more spaces in previous post, it totally worked yay:)
K thats me for this weekend, im off to watch another movie...

A trout feeding

wow big ass hehe

This duck was quite cool heheh

hrmm Llama or Alpaca??

cool lions :) they were the best of the whole park animals

Thankies Heather for telling me to add more spaces in previous post, it totally worked yay:)
K thats me for this weekend, im off to watch another movie...

A trout feeding

wow big ass hehe

This duck was quite cool heheh

hrmm Llama or Alpaca??

cool lions :) they were the best of the whole park animals

New Place&Photos :)
Finally I have sat down and made my blog look some what better than it did!
Well yesterday I went nuts and unpacked all the lil nic nak stuff for the lounge and the bedroom. What a mission. Also organised the bedside draws by putting things in it and throwing away stuff that were in them that we didnt need. Lots of old paper work.
Last night I enjoyed chatting to Heather and viewing the photos she put up, it was fun, and the time went by fast.Before you know it, it was 11.30pm lol. Hey Heather, once I got to bed I couldnt sleep, typical lol. So i ended up watching some silly movie on tele cant remember the name.
Today I havent done too much. I should go and upack the few boxes that are in the spare room downstairs, but right now I cant be bothered. It's just those to go and organise the garage a bit more, like move the bbq outside etc.
I start my new job tommorw and 9am. At the moment I am pretty chilled about it, but I know tonight in bed and when morning comes Ill be a lil bit nervous. But my new boss seems cool, shes an older lady,very nice and is she organised or what lol.!!!\
Anyhow, I am attempting to put up some photos yay. I think I owe Heather some for sure after her entries full of them :P They are pretty self explainatory, Our New Place :) Enjoy!!

Part of the cool view we get, looks awesome at night

This here is a cool piece of art made from sand and paua that i picked up from our holiday in Napier. It sits on the wall in the main bathroom :)
Well yesterday I went nuts and unpacked all the lil nic nak stuff for the lounge and the bedroom. What a mission. Also organised the bedside draws by putting things in it and throwing away stuff that were in them that we didnt need. Lots of old paper work.
Last night I enjoyed chatting to Heather and viewing the photos she put up, it was fun, and the time went by fast.Before you know it, it was 11.30pm lol. Hey Heather, once I got to bed I couldnt sleep, typical lol. So i ended up watching some silly movie on tele cant remember the name.
Today I havent done too much. I should go and upack the few boxes that are in the spare room downstairs, but right now I cant be bothered. It's just those to go and organise the garage a bit more, like move the bbq outside etc.
I start my new job tommorw and 9am. At the moment I am pretty chilled about it, but I know tonight in bed and when morning comes Ill be a lil bit nervous. But my new boss seems cool, shes an older lady,very nice and is she organised or what lol.!!!\
Anyhow, I am attempting to put up some photos yay. I think I owe Heather some for sure after her entries full of them :P They are pretty self explainatory, Our New Place :) Enjoy!!

Part of the cool view we get, looks awesome at night

This here is a cool piece of art made from sand and paua that i picked up from our holiday in Napier. It sits on the wall in the main bathroom :)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
moved and getting settled
Hey guys,
Warning this may be a long one....
Finally an entry for you now that we are all moved. Well to begin with the move was a mission. The truck didn't turn up on sunday morning at 8.30am. Scott rung them at like 9am and the guy said his truck was broken down and to give him a couple of hours otherwise he would make a couple of trips with a trailer and a van. We were like yeh right we have to much shit to get transported in them...we have a 50" lcd tele alone!!! Scotts mum who was staying with us said ring him back and say dont worry do it monday. Scott phoned back and it turns out his truck was broken down in Auckland not Palmy like he made it out to be. Anyway Scott said for him to call us later and aim for monday.Meanwhile we are frantically looking for someone else to move us since we were all packed up. We got hold of one lady who unfortunately was unable to help us (been a long weekend and all) yet out of curiosity she asked us the name of the company. She was like 'ahhh ok, so what was his excuse his truck was broken?' She then informed us that they get many calls from people in the same situation as us who have orginally booked with this guy and he has let them down. Hes shady and have got warned to stay away from him.She said if his truck broke down all moving places actually hire a truck as a back up for those situations and that he should know that. We got thinking that he knows all those rules but couldnt be assed moving us since it was a long weekend. He never rung us back either nor did we to him.
Anyway we were lucky to find a moving company, lovely guy who came all the way from Levin. He even rustled up two workers been his bro and bro in law hehe. They cost nearly $300 more though and we have an invoice where we are going to bill the first dude the difference for dicking us around! So instead of getting at the other end at just after lunch on the sunday like we had planned we got there bout 4.30.
Sunday we were absolutley stuffed since we had been up at 6am to be all ready by 8.30. So the unpacking that took place was mostly kitchen stuff and we put up the bed. So crashed out that night. On the Monday i frantically tidied up the kitchen and dinning area since there was stuff for miles and then unpacked all my clothes, bathroom etc.So our house is looking good now just need to unpack last min nic nak things. The lounge is a lil messy but thats ok as we cant use tv yet as reception totally sucks is none at all otherwise it fuzzy as crap. So we are going to get sky tv to fix that prob. We figure its because whre we are in a valley and notice that our house and others around all have sky dishes on the roof.
James was also cool and took me around on monday to show me places I needed to go for interviews and tues and wed. He also showed me where the likes of briscoes and stuff like that is. Had to buy a lil mirror for our bathroom as it had none and got me couple of face clothes, hand towels, bathmat that we in need of. all on special too so thats good.
Tues my interview went good. a nice place so organised and very warm and friendly. The lady wanted me to sign there and then too as she was very impressed with me. I had other places to go to so told her id get back to her.
I went and visited a place that I already had an interview with last friday in palmy. The place was huge but i was a lil unsure of it.
Wed had an interview. Lovely german couple who own the centre. place was nice too.
Anyway last night i made my decision to work at the place I went to on tues. She was very pleased that i accpepted and said the staff gave good feedback about me after i left on tues. So today i went and signed the contract, got uniform and i start monday at 9am!!!!!!! Get a good pay and im classed as a head teacher which makes me in charge of the under two year old area, working with one other and a floater which is there when needed. So excited and looking forward to it.The people seem really nice that ill be working with. im prob the youngest which doesnt bother me. id say they all bout 30-50 years old maybe one other near my age. they also have a cook too for the centre that does yummy hot lunches by the sounds.
So all is going good, nice place, good flatty and got myself a job already!!! Fingers crossed its all good for long time too.
PS: Still have to use laptop to access this blog. One day ill get around to fixing it on my computer.
Warning this may be a long one....
Finally an entry for you now that we are all moved. Well to begin with the move was a mission. The truck didn't turn up on sunday morning at 8.30am. Scott rung them at like 9am and the guy said his truck was broken down and to give him a couple of hours otherwise he would make a couple of trips with a trailer and a van. We were like yeh right we have to much shit to get transported in them...we have a 50" lcd tele alone!!! Scotts mum who was staying with us said ring him back and say dont worry do it monday. Scott phoned back and it turns out his truck was broken down in Auckland not Palmy like he made it out to be. Anyway Scott said for him to call us later and aim for monday.Meanwhile we are frantically looking for someone else to move us since we were all packed up. We got hold of one lady who unfortunately was unable to help us (been a long weekend and all) yet out of curiosity she asked us the name of the company. She was like 'ahhh ok, so what was his excuse his truck was broken?' She then informed us that they get many calls from people in the same situation as us who have orginally booked with this guy and he has let them down. Hes shady and have got warned to stay away from him.She said if his truck broke down all moving places actually hire a truck as a back up for those situations and that he should know that. We got thinking that he knows all those rules but couldnt be assed moving us since it was a long weekend. He never rung us back either nor did we to him.
Anyway we were lucky to find a moving company, lovely guy who came all the way from Levin. He even rustled up two workers been his bro and bro in law hehe. They cost nearly $300 more though and we have an invoice where we are going to bill the first dude the difference for dicking us around! So instead of getting at the other end at just after lunch on the sunday like we had planned we got there bout 4.30.
Sunday we were absolutley stuffed since we had been up at 6am to be all ready by 8.30. So the unpacking that took place was mostly kitchen stuff and we put up the bed. So crashed out that night. On the Monday i frantically tidied up the kitchen and dinning area since there was stuff for miles and then unpacked all my clothes, bathroom etc.So our house is looking good now just need to unpack last min nic nak things. The lounge is a lil messy but thats ok as we cant use tv yet as reception totally sucks is none at all otherwise it fuzzy as crap. So we are going to get sky tv to fix that prob. We figure its because whre we are in a valley and notice that our house and others around all have sky dishes on the roof.
James was also cool and took me around on monday to show me places I needed to go for interviews and tues and wed. He also showed me where the likes of briscoes and stuff like that is. Had to buy a lil mirror for our bathroom as it had none and got me couple of face clothes, hand towels, bathmat that we in need of. all on special too so thats good.
Tues my interview went good. a nice place so organised and very warm and friendly. The lady wanted me to sign there and then too as she was very impressed with me. I had other places to go to so told her id get back to her.
I went and visited a place that I already had an interview with last friday in palmy. The place was huge but i was a lil unsure of it.
Wed had an interview. Lovely german couple who own the centre. place was nice too.
Anyway last night i made my decision to work at the place I went to on tues. She was very pleased that i accpepted and said the staff gave good feedback about me after i left on tues. So today i went and signed the contract, got uniform and i start monday at 9am!!!!!!! Get a good pay and im classed as a head teacher which makes me in charge of the under two year old area, working with one other and a floater which is there when needed. So excited and looking forward to it.The people seem really nice that ill be working with. im prob the youngest which doesnt bother me. id say they all bout 30-50 years old maybe one other near my age. they also have a cook too for the centre that does yummy hot lunches by the sounds.
So all is going good, nice place, good flatty and got myself a job already!!! Fingers crossed its all good for long time too.
PS: Still have to use laptop to access this blog. One day ill get around to fixing it on my computer.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Nearly time
Hey guys,
Tonight my work mates done a dinner for me at work. We had buns, chicken salad, gbread, pizza, potatoes stuff like that and also had a couple of drinks. It was a nice thing to do since I am leaving. I got a couple of pressies too. A cool dolphin necklace, anne geddes diary and a photo of all of us just over a year ago at the cooks wedding. So yeh that was nice and apparently my boss has something for me tommrow. I gave the laides in the department I work with some flowers each and Ive got something for my boss too a few things which ill tell ya later.
This week has been so full on doing bits and pieces before the big move. I thought the week would go slow since I had to work but it hasn't .Ive come home shattered not wanting to do anything. I still have to do a little bit of packing which is really the rest of the kitchen and clothes which ill pile into big rubbish bags.
O and btw we are going to be living with James as some of you know. Should be cool and have heaps of cool times ahead!! :)
We are taking our fish down on saturday as its going to be mission(borrowoing a station wagon and scott mum coming to help) and ill also take a car load of stuff too so that will save on the moving costs. On sunday all our stuff will get moved where I will then wizz around and do the vacuming and mopping which will be easier to do with no furniture.
So im not sure if i will be on here again before the move. If not you all take care and ill talk to ya when im settled in the new place :)
bed calls, night
Tonight my work mates done a dinner for me at work. We had buns, chicken salad, gbread, pizza, potatoes stuff like that and also had a couple of drinks. It was a nice thing to do since I am leaving. I got a couple of pressies too. A cool dolphin necklace, anne geddes diary and a photo of all of us just over a year ago at the cooks wedding. So yeh that was nice and apparently my boss has something for me tommrow. I gave the laides in the department I work with some flowers each and Ive got something for my boss too a few things which ill tell ya later.
This week has been so full on doing bits and pieces before the big move. I thought the week would go slow since I had to work but it hasn't .Ive come home shattered not wanting to do anything. I still have to do a little bit of packing which is really the rest of the kitchen and clothes which ill pile into big rubbish bags.
O and btw we are going to be living with James as some of you know. Should be cool and have heaps of cool times ahead!! :)
We are taking our fish down on saturday as its going to be mission(borrowoing a station wagon and scott mum coming to help) and ill also take a car load of stuff too so that will save on the moving costs. On sunday all our stuff will get moved where I will then wizz around and do the vacuming and mopping which will be easier to do with no furniture.
So im not sure if i will be on here again before the move. If not you all take care and ill talk to ya when im settled in the new place :)
bed calls, night
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Holidays end
The time is about 4.30pm and im totally exhausted. You know I didnt really know that I felt this bad until I finally sat down. (my feet are sore :( )
First I made a trip to the supermarket to get some supplies, paper towels, dish clothes, steelos and on the way home picked up my window brush cleaner that a mate had borrowed from ages ago.
Today I have gone nuts on the house doing lots of scrubbing and cleanning on the windows inside and out. (yay one less thing to do) They were in need of doing big time they were dirty as, and you know they are dirty when you find mould growing on the rubber frame bits...eww soo gross cant believe I let them get like that. Ahh well they are done now. They took ages.
After that I had a quick bite to eat and said Hi to one of our mates who stopped in to see if we had moved yet. He hasnt had the net for two weeks so was like hrmmm wonder if they are still around hehe.
I then tackled some more of the kitchen which also involved doing the stove tops that our old flatty forgot to clean and also wipped the inside of the oven again too.
I have finally sat down where I have stolen my mans lap top and blobbing on the couch infront of the tele. I have so much work stuff to catch up on that I can see lying on the floor. So I hav not only the stress of moving but that of work stuff to do too. Im just too exhausted to do it though :( I was going to do some this holidays but to be honest we have been so damn busy that ive had no time for it or exhausted from been so busy :S I may do some of it later where i dont have to think too much we will see.
Hrmm I really need to make my blog look pretty, cant be assed though figuring it all out, i needa figure out how to put photos on yet too. ahh that can be another days task when I have nothing else to do or worry about.
I have work tomorrow, that is going to be interesting i can see myself been tired by lunch lol
First I made a trip to the supermarket to get some supplies, paper towels, dish clothes, steelos and on the way home picked up my window brush cleaner that a mate had borrowed from ages ago.
Today I have gone nuts on the house doing lots of scrubbing and cleanning on the windows inside and out. (yay one less thing to do) They were in need of doing big time they were dirty as, and you know they are dirty when you find mould growing on the rubber frame bits...eww soo gross cant believe I let them get like that. Ahh well they are done now. They took ages.
After that I had a quick bite to eat and said Hi to one of our mates who stopped in to see if we had moved yet. He hasnt had the net for two weeks so was like hrmmm wonder if they are still around hehe.
I then tackled some more of the kitchen which also involved doing the stove tops that our old flatty forgot to clean and also wipped the inside of the oven again too.
I have finally sat down where I have stolen my mans lap top and blobbing on the couch infront of the tele. I have so much work stuff to catch up on that I can see lying on the floor. So I hav not only the stress of moving but that of work stuff to do too. Im just too exhausted to do it though :( I was going to do some this holidays but to be honest we have been so damn busy that ive had no time for it or exhausted from been so busy :S I may do some of it later where i dont have to think too much we will see.
Hrmm I really need to make my blog look pretty, cant be assed though figuring it all out, i needa figure out how to put photos on yet too. ahh that can be another days task when I have nothing else to do or worry about.
I have work tomorrow, that is going to be interesting i can see myself been tired by lunch lol
Friday, January 12, 2007
More packing to add to the pile!
Well it has yet been another hot day. I guess I shouldnt complain though since it has taken a while for this warm weather to arrive!
Last nights movie was ok, yet I did expect better. Once we had got home we werent tired and Scott discovered we had Jackass 2. So I decided to join him in watching it. I must admit those guys dont amuse me much in their stupid stuff they do yet I did find myself chuckling at a few things. One day im sure one of them will die doing something silly.
Today went we went nuts in packing some more things and clearing out the garage really and sorting through it. Had a lot of stuff to take to the recycling place and we have lots of rubbish bags full of stuff already to chuck out The garage is looking much better with one side fulled with boxes of stuff already packed the other has rubbish bags and the single bed we have to put in a spare room at the new place. We even found some more boxes too which is a bonus.
Anyway that too ages plus I cleanned up the kitchen a lil. Our old flatmate came to clean his shit up and he even did the oven. He did kinda a 'boy' job at it (no offence to the guys hehe) and forgot to clean the stove tops. But hey all good at least he cleanned something that we all shared so we dont get stuck with doing it all:) Im so over the cleanning and packing, doesnt help in this heat either. Its gonna be good getting lots of stuff done this weekend as since im back at work next week im not going to feel like doing much at night.
Right now im sitting infront of a fan. Gosh its sooo good. My tummy is rumbling prob due to been nearly dinner time...Hrmm I wonder whats for dinner hehe. I can smell someones bbq cooking damnit!yet im too lazy to do that, prob needs a clean too.
Last nights movie was ok, yet I did expect better. Once we had got home we werent tired and Scott discovered we had Jackass 2. So I decided to join him in watching it. I must admit those guys dont amuse me much in their stupid stuff they do yet I did find myself chuckling at a few things. One day im sure one of them will die doing something silly.
Today went we went nuts in packing some more things and clearing out the garage really and sorting through it. Had a lot of stuff to take to the recycling place and we have lots of rubbish bags full of stuff already to chuck out The garage is looking much better with one side fulled with boxes of stuff already packed the other has rubbish bags and the single bed we have to put in a spare room at the new place. We even found some more boxes too which is a bonus.
Anyway that too ages plus I cleanned up the kitchen a lil. Our old flatmate came to clean his shit up and he even did the oven. He did kinda a 'boy' job at it (no offence to the guys hehe) and forgot to clean the stove tops. But hey all good at least he cleanned something that we all shared so we dont get stuck with doing it all:) Im so over the cleanning and packing, doesnt help in this heat either. Its gonna be good getting lots of stuff done this weekend as since im back at work next week im not going to feel like doing much at night.
Right now im sitting infront of a fan. Gosh its sooo good. My tummy is rumbling prob due to been nearly dinner time...Hrmm I wonder whats for dinner hehe. I can smell someones bbq cooking damnit!yet im too lazy to do that, prob needs a clean too.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Humid Friday
Well today was humid yet again and wet. Ud think the rain would cool it all down but noooo.
Anyway I didnt get packing done today like I thought I would. I basically went nuts on cvs again to apply for more jobs yet again. Then I just sat in the humidity trying to stay cool, constantly putting my face under cold water etc.
I think I would have been too hot to pack anyway. We are going nuts tommorw with packing and also getting rid of stuff to the recycling centre in the garage. That should be all clean after that and only have the boxes we have packed already to go.
On a downside my new fish I got in napier fucking died today. I was quite upset. Some of you would say im silly since its only a fish and it only had it for two days but meh he was cool.(he cost a shitload too) I think I got a big shock looking in the tank and seeing it upside down. The only name I had for him was goober lol as I always thought he looked like one and he never moved around much. Mainly because the big black fish we got rid of attaked him so bad it scared him...well killed him in the end:( Im never getting that kind of fish again that attaked him!
So scott is taking me to the movies tonight since i was all blah bout loosing a fish. We are going to see Deja vu.
On an upside I got a call bout a job I applied for via email today! Basically someone else is gonna get in contact with me to meet me here in palmy since i cant go down to welly next week. The guy asked questions bout when i could start and how much pay i expect stuff like that. and the job is in Tawa which isnt far away at all from whre we will living. so yeh fingers crossed.
Anyhow, dinner is ready and hopefully cooled down a bit.
Anyway I didnt get packing done today like I thought I would. I basically went nuts on cvs again to apply for more jobs yet again. Then I just sat in the humidity trying to stay cool, constantly putting my face under cold water etc.
I think I would have been too hot to pack anyway. We are going nuts tommorw with packing and also getting rid of stuff to the recycling centre in the garage. That should be all clean after that and only have the boxes we have packed already to go.
On a downside my new fish I got in napier fucking died today. I was quite upset. Some of you would say im silly since its only a fish and it only had it for two days but meh he was cool.(he cost a shitload too) I think I got a big shock looking in the tank and seeing it upside down. The only name I had for him was goober lol as I always thought he looked like one and he never moved around much. Mainly because the big black fish we got rid of attaked him so bad it scared him...well killed him in the end:( Im never getting that kind of fish again that attaked him!
So scott is taking me to the movies tonight since i was all blah bout loosing a fish. We are going to see Deja vu.
On an upside I got a call bout a job I applied for via email today! Basically someone else is gonna get in contact with me to meet me here in palmy since i cant go down to welly next week. The guy asked questions bout when i could start and how much pay i expect stuff like that. and the job is in Tawa which isnt far away at all from whre we will living. so yeh fingers crossed.
Anyhow, dinner is ready and hopefully cooled down a bit.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Found a flat
We have found a flat in Wellington. We move next weekend!!ahh scarey stuff. We will be living in Jonnsonville. Kinda good we cut our holiday bit short as can go nuts now with more packing etc.
Drove down to Welly today to sign papers etc. Man what a mission driving down there in the central part. Didnt really like it lol but was more confident then i thought i would be. Lucky I had scott a good navigator otherwise i would have been totally lost!!
Anyway that is me for this entry i think
ooo it is bloody HOTTTTTT!!!
Drove down to Welly today to sign papers etc. Man what a mission driving down there in the central part. Didnt really like it lol but was more confident then i thought i would be. Lucky I had scott a good navigator otherwise i would have been totally lost!!
Anyway that is me for this entry i think
ooo it is bloody HOTTTTTT!!!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Our Holiday
Hey guys,
~~We are back from our holiday a bit short. Have to pop down to Welly tommrw for flat things once again which is a pain but hey it will all be good. Im just so over travelling around the north island that all lol.
~~We had good time away. We made it to Taupo where the weather was so primo. Was so hot and sunny there. We chilled walking around the shops and sussing out the cafes etc.
We then went to the thermal pools where our massage was to take place. Half and hour before hand we soaked in the pools. Holy was it hot, I spent most time in the cooler pools.
Massage was sooo good. Man did I feel relaxed afterwards and felt like sleeping hehe. I had a german guy massaging me. Turns out he is actually a physio therapist but they dont let him practice in NZ cause we dont recognise the qualification. I thought id be a lil weird having a guy giving me a full body rub (legs, arms and back). But he chatted away making sure I was all good and i didnt feel strange. So I had 75mins of relaxation well needed. Scott enjoyed his too he had a lady massage him. She guessed he was in IT as apparently most of their clients are IT people or teachers hehe.
~~We went to Rotorua Sunday where we went to paradise valley springs to see and feed animals was quite cool. I then took scott to the luge as he never been before... He kicked my butt down the first time only cause i was too nice and slowed down to wait for him and he zoomed past me lol. Second time I won though he claims he did!!
Saw Huka falls for first time was quite cool
Played mini golf back in Taupo, scott totally kicked my butt.
~~Monday went to Napier. Chilled for the day in the sun.
The tuesday went to the Aquairium which totally rocked was very impressed. Had a squiz at marineland which wasnt that great i thought. Done mini golf again very close game but damn it scott won again lol.looked around the shops bought couple of things.
~~Wednesday we got two more fishes for our tank in Napier on our way home yay. One shrimp and one firefish. The shrimp is scotts its quite cool and kinda wierd looking. Mine is bright and pretty hehe. once i put my fish in the tank the big black one we got in there attacked it good. so we thought fuck that, caught it, bagged it and took it to wetpets so they could have it.
Now im chilling, early night tonight I think...Im so over travelling yet we have to go to welly tommrw morn :S
PS: HOtels were both great and had spas that i totally enjoyed!!!
Chow all xxx
~~We are back from our holiday a bit short. Have to pop down to Welly tommrw for flat things once again which is a pain but hey it will all be good. Im just so over travelling around the north island that all lol.
~~We had good time away. We made it to Taupo where the weather was so primo. Was so hot and sunny there. We chilled walking around the shops and sussing out the cafes etc.
We then went to the thermal pools where our massage was to take place. Half and hour before hand we soaked in the pools. Holy was it hot, I spent most time in the cooler pools.
Massage was sooo good. Man did I feel relaxed afterwards and felt like sleeping hehe. I had a german guy massaging me. Turns out he is actually a physio therapist but they dont let him practice in NZ cause we dont recognise the qualification. I thought id be a lil weird having a guy giving me a full body rub (legs, arms and back). But he chatted away making sure I was all good and i didnt feel strange. So I had 75mins of relaxation well needed. Scott enjoyed his too he had a lady massage him. She guessed he was in IT as apparently most of their clients are IT people or teachers hehe.
~~We went to Rotorua Sunday where we went to paradise valley springs to see and feed animals was quite cool. I then took scott to the luge as he never been before... He kicked my butt down the first time only cause i was too nice and slowed down to wait for him and he zoomed past me lol. Second time I won though he claims he did!!
Saw Huka falls for first time was quite cool
Played mini golf back in Taupo, scott totally kicked my butt.
~~Monday went to Napier. Chilled for the day in the sun.
The tuesday went to the Aquairium which totally rocked was very impressed. Had a squiz at marineland which wasnt that great i thought. Done mini golf again very close game but damn it scott won again lol.looked around the shops bought couple of things.
~~Wednesday we got two more fishes for our tank in Napier on our way home yay. One shrimp and one firefish. The shrimp is scotts its quite cool and kinda wierd looking. Mine is bright and pretty hehe. once i put my fish in the tank the big black one we got in there attacked it good. so we thought fuck that, caught it, bagged it and took it to wetpets so they could have it.
Now im chilling, early night tonight I think...Im so over travelling yet we have to go to welly tommrw morn :S
PS: HOtels were both great and had spas that i totally enjoyed!!!
Chow all xxx
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Busy Times
~~Well I had quite the busy day yesterday. I got up super early on my holiday even though I didnt need to. I wanted to get stuff done and not waste the day. I did bits and bobs around the house first. Then I went nuts and touched up my CV and wrote a few cover letters for some jobs in Wellington. There was one I so want bad and its advertising for the under two department which im experienced in so yay :) Anyway I spent a while on my CV, I think I got a little bit too fussy on it and kept changing things here and there. I wanted to sell myself good as I need a job asap plus for the ones I really really want the job I had to make look good:)
I sent off a few CV's yesterday which I felt actually quite releived about.
~~When Scott finished work we went to Mitre 10 to get some packing tape. We then went to Warehouse stationary and got like 60m of bubble wrap for $20, then on the way home picked up some boxes a mate had for us. So yesterday late avo and night was the start of our packing. My gosh we have a lot of stuff. Even found some things I forgot we had hehe. Anyway I had lots of fun with the bubble wrap.
~~Today is going to be busy yet again. I plan to print of some more CVs and get them bound then sent. Then Im to go to book shop and sell Scotts old study books, as well as go into work and do some stuff I really need to do and do more packing which will involve a big clear up to of stuff ive ment to get rid of for ages! Also ment to go see a mate at some stage too :S Man this is when there are not enough hours in the day!!
~~Oh and Heather, I still cant access your blog :( I can get to the page where I have to click on your link and then it just loads and loads without doing anything. So I cant even get to the other bit where I put in my account and password :( Im so missing reading yours.
Well I better get to it, its gonna be a long busy day, and it looks lovely out which I prob wont see much of :(
I sent off a few CV's yesterday which I felt actually quite releived about.
~~When Scott finished work we went to Mitre 10 to get some packing tape. We then went to Warehouse stationary and got like 60m of bubble wrap for $20, then on the way home picked up some boxes a mate had for us. So yesterday late avo and night was the start of our packing. My gosh we have a lot of stuff. Even found some things I forgot we had hehe. Anyway I had lots of fun with the bubble wrap.
~~Today is going to be busy yet again. I plan to print of some more CVs and get them bound then sent. Then Im to go to book shop and sell Scotts old study books, as well as go into work and do some stuff I really need to do and do more packing which will involve a big clear up to of stuff ive ment to get rid of for ages! Also ment to go see a mate at some stage too :S Man this is when there are not enough hours in the day!!
~~Oh and Heather, I still cant access your blog :( I can get to the page where I have to click on your link and then it just loads and loads without doing anything. So I cant even get to the other bit where I put in my account and password :( Im so missing reading yours.
Well I better get to it, its gonna be a long busy day, and it looks lovely out which I prob wont see much of :(
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