Thankies Heather for telling me to add more spaces in previous post, it totally worked yay:)
K thats me for this weekend, im off to watch another movie...

A trout feeding

wow big ass hehe

This duck was quite cool heheh

hrmm Llama or Alpaca??

cool lions :) they were the best of the whole park animals

Ill get the hang of photos someday hehe fek knows why the writing turned out there this time or why some of its underlined. ahh well
Basically you are best to put line breaks (by pressing enter) before and after every photo or every line of writing lol. If you now went to the beginning of the writing and pressed enter twice it might fix it lol.
Cool photos though, and it's fun you figured out how to upload them! I didnt know Paradise Valley springs had lions, but then I havent been there for about 14/15 years so my memory is a little fuzzy lol.
Paradise Valley has had lions for a while. I went there with Dad about a year and a half ago ;D. I got to pat the cubs!
~~Chrissy...aww im so jealous hehe.We missed the feeding time damnit :(
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