Well yesterday I went nuts and unpacked all the lil nic nak stuff for the lounge and the bedroom. What a mission. Also organised the bedside draws by putting things in it and throwing away stuff that were in them that we didnt need. Lots of old paper work.
Last night I enjoyed chatting to Heather and viewing the photos she put up, it was fun, and the time went by fast.Before you know it, it was 11.30pm lol. Hey Heather, once I got to bed I couldnt sleep, typical lol. So i ended up watching some silly movie on tele cant remember the name.
Today I havent done too much. I should go and upack the few boxes that are in the spare room downstairs, but right now I cant be bothered. It's just those to go and organise the garage a bit more, like move the bbq outside etc.
I start my new job tommorw and 9am. At the moment I am pretty chilled about it, but I know tonight in bed and when morning comes Ill be a lil bit nervous. But my new boss seems cool, shes an older lady,very nice and is she organised or what lol.!!!\
Anyhow, I am attempting to put up some photos yay. I think I owe Heather some for sure after her entries full of them :P They are pretty self explainatory, Our New Place :) Enjoy!!

Part of the cool view we get, looks awesome at night

This here is a cool piece of art made from sand and paua that i picked up from our holiday in Napier. It sits on the wall in the main bathroom :)
Oh thanks for the photos!!! Your house looks nice and I cant believe how unpacked you are already lol. Gorgeous view, it's be so pretty with all the night lights!
I think the photos go like that from when you add them to your journal it asks you for 'left' 'right' 'centre' etc... I either centre them all or left align them all.
~~yeh it is nice we are loving it. Yep wanted to get unpacked soon as though prob do some next weekend like sort the garage out.
~~hrmm weird i told them all to left align yet it still did it? ahh well good first atempt lol
In that case, try going into the entry again and just pressing the enter key twice at the end of each photo then save the changes.
Your new place is uber nice. Are you in the CBD?
~~Chrissy, nope we are in Churton Park by Johnsonville, didnt want to live too central.Plus we found houses were expensive for a crap place and then some also you dont get your own drive to park in!
Yeah that is what I thought. Inner city is freaking expensive! I would be quite happy in the 'burbs!
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