Saturday, February 17, 2007

Aww weekend nearing an end

Today has been yet another primo day weather wise. Im so glad it has been nice since we have moved down here as im not looking forward to winter from what ive heard!!

Didnt to anything today at all. Felt a bit blah earlier actually. Very sore neck that was making me feel sick and bit of a headache. Bit better now but its still there.
I blobbed in the sun for a bit, and also infront of the tele flicking through sky channels.
Scott sorted out the coral in our fish tank by bleaching it to make it white again. We are going to get some new things to put in soon, real plants etc that will help keep algey away. And then in few months hopefully a couple more fish yay. Fish that will not be agressive. We want a very peaceful tank!
I went to the supermarket to get some things for lunch. Also popped into Pumpkin Patch as they had up to 50-60% stuff which was mainly summer gear. Kinda sucked as found cute outfit for newborn but it is summery and since Staceys bubs will be born in winter it wasnt good. Did see a sunhat I shoulda got now and also a cool t-shirt for when hes older, and blanket which she wont need now getting two from her mum. ahh well plenty of time will look out for sales later.
Good to see ya got some good maternity bras too Stacey!!! :) and that top sounds very ideal.
This afternoon havent done too much. Met a couple that came over for a visit. They live in Jville was cool to meet them and that we could possibly to stuff with. They seemed very cool :)

Ooo btw last night we had a little friend in our house. I was upstairs in our room, and i heard James run up the stairs and then Scott run down with him. Heard some noises and I was like hrmm so went to investigate. here is scott and james standing by james's wardrobe. I was like omg what is in there that is going to jump out and scare me lol. I kinda thought a big ass spider or white tail and freaked. It was only a mouse lol. Bloody big one though. It must have got through james's window he had left open all day when he was out and had his door closed. It somehow had climbed up onto his jacket hanging up. Clever thing, i didnt think they could jump as it had nothing for it to climb up that far. Anyway we cornered it with a big plastic container and some lids. It rain stright into the container where james put on the lid fast. Then we all went for a walk up the road to let it go in a bush somewhere lol. Though the boys wanted to put it down the drain, i told them off lol.


Daisy said...

Oh the bullies! Killing an innocent mouse!

As for the cute baby stuff, just get it in size 00 or 0 for summer.

Shandi said...

~~Yeh i would have done but they didnt have any left in those sizes in that cute lil outfit only newborn :( and hell it was 60% so would have been great as PP is bloody expensive

Daisy said...

You still alive out there? :P