Well we didnt end up going to the movies on sat night in the end. Scott wasnt keen on going out he couldnt be bothered and yeh so we didnt. I just sat at home and done nothing really, and then couldnt sleep at all that night, was so wide awake while Scott was snoring away!!
Sunday I caught up with some old mates. I went to one of their houses as i woulda got lost trying to find a park in central etc. she lives like a 20min walk from town so we just walked in.
Met our other friend in town where we went and checked out the Chinese Newyear fesitval thing. Yeh a bit late for it but ahh well. We went to the arena where they had lots of food and some shows etc. It was so damn hot in there that we didnt stay for long. We ended up walking around the waterfront then into central town for a drink. After that we went and waited for the parade which was ment to start at 2.15 but was 15mins late. It was quite cool with their dragons n stuff and cute lil kiddies dressed up. (as seen above)
When I got home Scott and I and a mate went to oriental bay for a swim, we met another mate their too. The water proved to be a lil colder then what it has been lol. I was the only non whimp one who dived right under. scott was out like a flash as was one of the mates, me and the other one stayed in for a while where it was quite nice if you kept your shoulders under. there were lots of people there but not so many swimming, just sunbathing.
Had a bbq when we got back which was yummy.
Had a mate over again as she hadnt seen saw3 and we have got it we all had pizza for dinner and watched it.
So that has been my happenings last couple of days.
Lol, you're insane for watching that movie!
Diving straight under and staying under the water is the only way to swim in non-warm sea water!
~~hehe seen all of them, i luv those kinds of movies, poor girl we watched it with was so squemish but sat thur and watched it all lol.
~~yeh i agree, was totally fine once stayed in for a while too
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