Had a pretty good weekend. Friday was kinda shit but yeh. Saturday weather was crappy as and I felt yuck too(maybe caused from alcohol consumption lol). Went into the hutt to get some stuff for the fish which we found out we had to order anyway. Seems everyone was going that way instead of central. usually when we go out that way its not too busy.
Saturday night went out for dinner with my old school mates and their partners and Scott for my late birthday thing. Went to a maylasian place. Was bloody nice. Very spicey my dish turned out to be but great!!!My mates partner thought he could handle spicer of the same dish, he was sweating like a pig but ate it all lol. We went out to play pool after that which was cool. Then came home.
Sunday not too much really. Caught up with a mate where we went to Porirua. I ended up buying some cool boots. So not what i would have got but Scott and our mate said they looked awesome so i took their word:) thy are like suede material not leather very differnt.
Monday was a monday as usual. Want to do a roast chicken for dinner but realised we dont have a roasting dish none came with the flat so i had to whip out to porirua briscoes and get one plus i also got a small frypan which was half price :)
Anyhow I better go and start the roast.
Here are a few photos...
Those flowers are gorgeous! Yellow and orange are my favourite flower colours.
It's nice you saw your old friends but how do you have so many friends in Welly already lol. For a shy girl you're a bit of a social butterfly! :P
Aw, that is so sweet that you got flowers from your new boss. Mine would never do something like that!
~~yeh they are huh thy are still in a vase looking only a lil glumb after a week, my boss is lovely.
~~its called the net Heather, yeh i know prob sounds sad lol but we found only way to make new mates is try to find some online as both of us have jobs where we wouldnt socialise wth work collegues and they are way way older then us!!
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