Thursday, April 05, 2007

CRaSh :(

Not a very good start to the easter holidays. Scott had a bike accident :( ironically basically outside the hospital where he works....So ambos there in like 10secs!! lol
stupid bitch who went through a give way (was turninng) didnt look and tboned him. BIke fuked, her car fuked and scott fuked! He broke his collar bone and is bruised lots all way down one side. Thank god for leathers and helmets. so yeh i got the phone call at work this morn from scott and instantly i was shocked then fuking angry atthe car driver!!!
Went to see the bike it is prob a rite off id say. He has 2 weeks off work and it wont be until 4-6weeks until bone healed. he is gutterd as he has started the gym bout a month a go and is loving it and has even a strict diet to eat.
So our plans of going back to the naki have come to a halt.
Hope everyone has a good easter, hope ours gets a lil better.
Meanwhile im playing nurse Shandi for a while hehe. which so far im finding amusing having to put his socks on and tie his shoes and put his belt on. Kinda reminds me of dressing the kiddies at work hehe


Heather said...

OH NO!!! Thank goodness he is ok for the most part. You're very brave, I'd be freaked if I received that phone call! I hope the rest of your easter goes better! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Collar bones aren't exactly the nicest bone in the body to break either!!

Did the driver get hurt at all??

Shandi said...

~~Heather well i did freak at first all emotions etc made me cry before i went to him :S Thankies
~~Stacey. Yeh i know. while he was waiting for the xray he said he had never broken a bone before. well he had to break the dumbest bone ever lol.Nope driver was fine as.

Kelly said...

I'm glad your beloved was okay!

Kitty said...

Man, that sucks. Silly woman, bet she will look a bit more carefully next time.