Thought it was about time i do an entry. Work has been so busy and hectic this week. Plus the last few days i have had a headache to die for that i couldnt seem to get rid of. it was even making me feel sick. i also got sent home from work yesterday cause of it. today i am feeling much better though dont feel like doing a hell of alot still.
Anyway we got some new fishes this week. Scott ordered them as was home from work still (goes back next week) he was going to suprise me but couldnt wait to tell me he had ordered them and that they would be here the next day.
One is a mandirin dragonet fish and a scooter blenny. They are cool. though we are worried bout the dragonet fish as apparently he dont eat what we give. in the ocean he survives on the plankton type things. so hpe he will be ok and not die as we have just found out could happen :(
we named the dragonet fish 'acid' as hes like so bright like as if you were tripping on acid or something lol. and the blenny is called 'kamo' short for camoflage but yeh spelt with a K hehe.
This avo caught up with a friend. we all went out to porirua to get me some new slippers and got some lunch. took it home and showed her new fishes and scotts new bike since she loves them. was a good avo, where i actually felt ok for a bit :)
They're all very cute, except what the freaking heck is that last thing lol. I like the shape of clown fish, they should all be that shape and just be different colours lol.
lol that last one is funky!!!
~~the last one is our shrimp aka whiskers hehe he is really cool.very intersting to watch how he eats.
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