Monday, July 09, 2007

Sent home

Got sent home from work today. Not feeling the best. woke up with sore tummy pains.,where all i feel like doing is holding my tummy or rubbing it or something. i dragged myself to work as once i had got ready i felt a bit better but then after couple of hours of been at work nope. I think i have that stupid bug again that goes around. i seem to catch that but not the flu or cold these days.
so yeh i looked pale as so yeh they sent me home. Silly thing is once i got home i realised i had one of the kiddies dummies in my pocket so i had to go all the way back!!!
my back is still sore as too which is a pain. scott said it could be the gym's doing as when he first started after a few days he felt sore as and it lasted like a week or two... great :(
Gonna get scott to pick up some pain killers on the way home.
meantime i am laying on the couch staying warm flicking channels and ill no doubt sleep.

Hope you are all feeling ok...



Heather said...

Aww you poor thing!

It's good they sent you home, at least that way they saw you and knew you genuinely shouldnt have been there!

Yep, everyone hurts like a mo-fo after their first gym visits but it'll get better. Perhaps today woulda been a good day for that free massage!

Feel better soon chick!

Anonymous said...

Yeah whenever you start out at the gym it takes your muscles a while to get use to doing all the work they have to do so you get quite stiff and sore. Always happened to me whenever they would give me new exercises to do

Shandi said...

thankies guys
no way i coulda gone for that massage anyway felt too sick. have gone toilet once but no throwing up just feel so ewww it sucks. scott brought me home lemonade yay hope that makes me feel a bit normal.

Heather said...

Aww chick! Otherwise try natural yoghurt (like de winkles) coz it contains the good bacteria to put the balance right in your digestive system.