I got a cheap as starter set from Kmart today :P
A very rushed job and stuffed up lots, but hey it was all fun having a go. Not for anyone in particular was just playing. Limited stuff to work with so kinda plain. (sorry didnt downsize pics)
'The coffee that haft meer mmm'(My thoughts & bits n pieces)
:O AWESOME!!! You did great!! That's so cool lol. *HAPPY*
Are you gonna make some more? There are some seriously cool ribbons at spotlight that make cards look awesome.
Yup ill save up some $$ so i can suss out some bigger card, differnt kits etc etc. it was fun even though it took me only like 10min cause i just wanted to get it done and up on here lol
Lol. I dont buy kits coz I prefer to think up a design myself, though kits are a good way of learning. Lots of craft shops will have a day where you can learn the basics on a Saturday but prob cost you $25 or so. Double sided tape is your crucial ingredient-go buy some lol.
Yeh i wouldnt buy kits either when i get into, just a good way of starting and seeing what it is about
Wow, you did a really awesome job. Far better then my first card making attempts! lol
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