Firstly yay heres a pic of my new tank!!! Its soo cool and much smaller then my old one and tidyer i luv it. It sits in our lounge. the fish seem to love it .got a new fish too but havent got a pic as yet. This tank is my xmas pressie but im paying for some too as it cost a lil lol.

I also popped out to find somethings for work i needed. Well i found one thing and also came home with something you will be proud of me for Heather :) Will get pics up soon, hopefully lol
Other then that the weekend has been spent, cleanning, washing and all that stuff. our dishwasher crapped out its leaking thank god the landlord pays for all that stuff. Just gotta get used to washing the dishes for once lol.
Scott is rather depressed and quiet lately. This damn shoulder is pissing him off and making him this way. Bring on the surgery!!!
Hope everyones weekend went well
Oh that sounds mysterious lol. Wonmder what it was?!
Your new tank is awesome! I love those tanks, Ry and I thought about one a few years back coz they are set up so nicely and look nice.
Very pretty fish tank lol
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