Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Its only Wednesday??:S

Hey all just a quick note to say yeh im still here lol. I know i take ages to write in this thing!!
I am totally exhausted and its only Wednesday. I feel soo tired that you know when you dont seem with it? Also earlier on i had a spell where i felt all faint actually thought i was gonna pass out so lay down. arms and body felt all funny too and kinda like faint pins and needles feeling. this lasted for bout good 15mins id say, weird huh?

Anyway finally got the old tank out of the dinning room its sitting outside for me to scrub still. the weather hasnt been the greatest to get out and do it. So ive changed the dinning room around a bit cleanned up no fish stuff in that area anymore yay. i was getting sick of seeing fish shit on the table etc.. I even went out and bought some flowers to put in the vase on the table to brighten it up a bit. Iris's and pink carnations (sp)?

Scotts mum comes tommorw to stay for long weekend yay! should be fun shes cool. I think scott will enjoy the company tommrow from lunch time onwards and friday for when im at work. HOpe to have fun shopping, eating out etc with his mum.

Anyhow i better get this last bit of stuff i needa get done for work tommrow since i told the boss id do at home cause i was slack hehe. then its bedtime for me, im suprised ive lasted this long!!
Oh and i got a pay rise yay woohooo.
Dunno when ill get on here next since scott mum here but ya know im still around etc i will try come and read entries even if i dont write one up!!



Heather said...

Iris was my mums fav flower lol. It's also the only bulb that likes to flower of the heaps I have in the garden!

Have a great time with Scott and his mumma!

Heather said...

Oi you lol...dont think I'm not checking for entries from the land of the long white cloud! :P