Day was primo. such great weather, pitty i had to work.
I shouted morn tea for everyone at work which they loved. just hummus. crackers, sundried tomatos, cheese,breads, fruits and lil choc eggs..i think that was all.
my boss popped out for the morn thinking she was only going couple hours she didnt get back till 2.30pm. and she was like crap i was gonna buy you flowers on way home and forgot lol. so apparently im getting something monday..prob a plant. i said it didnt matter lol
The day was pretty good work wise. i got some flowers delivered to me at work. had no name on them so i was like hrmm. turned out my lovely man got them for me. He got me a smashing pumpkins ticket which is next thursday but wanted something to give me on the day. he done well soo pretty and mixture of different flowers i dont know lol. pics are below
can anyone tell me what the red fuzzy brain like ones are they are cool!!

oh yeh and parents came down last night. we went out to a japanese restaurant which we love. funny mum and dad trying chopsticks for first time but they did well. was nice but bloody hot in the restaurant it been soo full and not much space.
went out had drink some place and walk around to show mum the place as dont think shes been in city of welly for years.! they stayed with us for the night.
Today i took them to the hutt for some shopping as they had other bday pressies to buy for.
and oops i ended up shopping too lol. got me some cool jeans that were $90 down to $30 and couple of tops and nice jacket. oh and bracelet. so now im set for the concerts im going to next week yay. oh and my parents got me a book which im gonna start reading soon i think....yay hope to get back into reading and stick to it
Happy Weekend to you!!!
Oh they are stunning! And it's cockscomb...I had it in my wedding flowers lol.
~~oohh yay thankies Heather i knew someone would know, my mum didnt nor people at work
Gorgeous flowers :D! Happy b day to you :)
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