Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Cant be bothered writing in here really as you can probably tell lol. ahh well, anyway ill do this too...

1- Where is your cell phone? Floor
2- Your hair? Washed
3- Work? Tiring
4- Your father? Normal (lol)
5- your favorite thing? Laxing
6- your dream last night? LOng
7- your favorite drink? Juice
8- your dream car? Lambo
9- The room you are in? Bed
10- your fears? Nada??
11- What do you want to be in 10 years? Rich (lol)
12- Who did you hang out with last night? Scott
13- What you are not good at? Math
14- Muffin? Savory
15- One of your wish list items? Travel
16- Where did you grow up? Taranaki
17- Last thing you did? Nachos
18- What are you wearing? Clothes
19- What aren't you wearing? Shoes
20- Your pets? Fish
21- your computer? Stoopid
22- Your life? Content
23- Your mood? Exhausted
24- Missing? Friends
25- what are you thinking about right now? Sleep
26- Your car? Broken
27- Your summer? Short
28- your relationship status? Great
29- your favorite color? Blue
30- When was the last time you laughed with meaning? Today
31- last time you cried? Days
32- school? Finished
33- least favorite weather? Winter
34- soup? Tomato
35- movie? Nemo


Heather said...

Yum, savoury muffin!!I must learn how to cook those.

Quaver said...

I think all computers are stoopid :P

Shandi said...

~~Savory muffins easy as i need to cook them again someday. i especially like the savory sweet corn muffins o so good
and yess i agree all computers are stoopid haha though some people would say its the people who are operating them...psssh yeh right!!! lol

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