Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunny days :)

meh dunno whats happening with the photo thing on here still couldnt upload.Anyway...

Today was nice at work. Bloody hot though,bout the second hottest day since we've been here and with no wind. There is a slight breeze now which is nice.
I opened by myself at work. My boss was sweet and rung me last night to confirm and make sure id be ok with it.Of course i am. The mornings are easy as setting up and if ive forgotten anything the 7.30 start person would remind me. I did everything right today so yay. My boss had a chat with me to see how things are going. She is very pleased with me and I have a nice personality etc which was nice. She also said it feels as thought ive been there for ages as ive fitted in really well. I was thinking that too actually how a week has gone by fast but it feels like ive been there longer!!
7am starts are a bit of a struggle still lol but ill get used to it. Its good finishing at 3.30 :) could be 4pm when we get a lil busy but hey thats good too.
Went to the supermarket on the way home to get a few bits and pieces. Tommrow since its a day off we are going to have a bbq lunch. Have invited a couple of mates that live here to come and an old work mate is down this way tommrow so i said she should come to it too. I just hope everyone turns up hehe. James is having a mate come over tommrow thats where the idea came bout of having one.
In the supermarket i just bout bumped into a girl i know who lives in welly somewhere which i dont really like. When i noticed her i ran and hid in an ile and waited for her to be nearly through a checkout before finding one lol .I know it sounds mean but she just annoys me, an old school friend from way back. Yet i find her very clingly(like to the point she would follow me to the toilet and i wouldnt know and id open the door and bang she'd be right there in my face!!) and not really that mature and annoying in the past and recent times too. I know i shouldnt do it as i have such a caring nature but i guess we are not all perfect and there has to be some things in life that bug us. ive even told mum not to tell her parents where i am. mums too soft and i know she will if they ask how i am! Her mum is bad enough too. Its like shes brought her daughters up to stay as little kids forever. scott doesnt like her mum or her either and i didnt even tell him what they were like before he met them.

MMM im looking forward to my bbq, got yummy things like crackers and camerbert, grapes, salads etc.
yummy. HOpe everyones day off tommrow is nice :)

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