Friday, February 16, 2007

Todays happenings

Today has gone fast in my books and it feels like I havent done anything at all...actually I dont think I have lol.

We had a sleep in today was great! I was so shattered that I dont even remember Scott coming to bed last night, though he said I groaned when he opened the door lol (no way to open it quietly) Nor did I feel him climb into bed which I usually do. Totally fuked I was lol.
I had a very bizzare dream last night. It involved me been at some party, very posh I guess with tables set out flash to eat on, expenisve nibbles and wine. Was with people I didnt really know, though one of the parents from my old job in palmy was there. I had a couple of wines which made me quite comfortable and happy lol. The next thing a guy is giving me a lolly pop. A very strange rectangular shape one and when you sucked it, it left rainbow colours on your tounge. Now this lolly pop was a 'special one' lol It was a lolly pop with opium in it lol. Weird huh. The next thing in my dream I feel like im floating from been so high lol though I didnt have much of it. I talked to the parent in my dream who said I looked like shit lol. I asked bout her son (hes the one with the lump under his chin if you remember?) and she said it would take another year for them to oporate on him so it would be huge and it may affect his breathing.... I then woke up lol Pretty fucked huh?? Dreams are very strange. Would love to get hold of one of those dream books with the meaning of them etc!

Anyway, today we went into Porirua. Had a lookies in the warehouse where I got some picture hooks to finally hang up my photos yay! Checked out noel leamings just to be nosey and Scott got some charger thingee for his xbox and I rememberd I needed more coloured ink for my printer. Across the road we saw a shop called 'craftworld'. I thought cool Ill go have a look and may buy some cross stitch to get back into. Well we walked in where the shop is actually made up of various craft stuff that people have made to sell. It was all set up like how you would go to one of those craft shows (own booths) I was in heaven lol. Saw so many pressie ideas and hand made baby stuff which was like awww as so tiny! Given me good ideas for pressie for Staceys bub :)
We got lunch on the way home something from brumbies and a coffee. A very late lunch but thats ok.
I hung my photos up yay. The one of us girls from Staceys wedding is finally our bedroom wall :)
ooo and my Johnny Depp calender mmmmm ;) lol

Well its 7.20pm Sat and I guess should start thinking bout dinner before it gets too late.


Heather said...

Ohh two entries in two days! *feels spoilt* :P

You were so close to the pirate minigolf lol, you so shoulda dragged Scott in! It's right behind Noel Leeming and the Warehouse!

BTW, have you heard of 'the entertainment book'? It is a book for about $50 which has coupons for fast foods, restaurants (sometimes 25% off the total bill or one meal free type thing), plus entertainment things (the minigolf is in it as are movies etc). It's really easy to make your $50 back if you actually use it. I think the new books come out June/July each year so if you got one now it should be discounted or you could wait until the next book. Just thought I'd tell you as I know Wellington has one (Palmy didnt/doesnt). We use ours in Perth all the time!

I'd kill for a sleep in but I've become an early riser and insanely light sleeper (I wake up every time Ryan or myself rolls over during the night), partially due to Flynn waking me at 5am each day!

Ok I think that's a big enough comment lol. :P

Shandi said...

~~hehe yes I thought you would feel spoilt :P
Yeh James was saying where it was last night. My plan is to drag the boys there one day and have lunch or something!
~~ooo that book sounds cool. Do you know where you'd get them from? Definately a thing to keep in mind. DO you have a certain time to use all the coupons by?

Heather said...

Yes, all the coupons have to be used by the time the next book comes out (and they change the colours of them to be clear they've expired). So if you got one now it'd expire end of June I think? The new book's coupons would last a full year, 1st July-30th June. The more flash places (the gold section) are listed on numbers on the back of a card and you take that card and hand it over when you pay. They flip the card and erase their 'number' off the back.

Suite 5, 4 Market Grove
Lower Hutt, Wellington
Phone (04) 566 4841
Fax (04) 566 4842

Which I got from going to (which redirected me to the Australian site).

Shandi said...

~~Thankies Heather, will talk to my man bout it see if its all worth it for us, it does sound good!