Wednesday, April 18, 2007

mmm Harleys hehe

grr started writing an entry and lost it somehow.
well nothing much this end anyway.

~~felt crap yesterday due to sinus hoped it wasnt a cold coming on ended up taking sudafed to sleep better and put vics on me. woke up this morn feeling so much better and even during the day was ok. only sneezing a lil now but gosh at least i can breathe through my nose!! *fingers crossed it dont come back or i get a cold*

~~went to the bike shop in central yesterday where scotts munted bike is. he wanted to get off his radar stand thingee and frame for where his packrack went since he payed for them both and he reckoned he could sell them for a good price. the stand alone for radar is worth $300!!
So we ended up chatting to a dude who works there (i think owns the palce) who has happend to brake both collar bones he showed us one side how it sticks out now eww all boney.
we had a perve at some bikes. man there are some nice ones there. im in luv with Harleys. i said to scott i wonder if they hire people to shine the bikes and the crome on them and stuff cause far out i soooo would lol!!!
~~Heather did you try out any of those suggestions for the kids art etc? Ill try let ya know more if i can think of any if you ever get stuck in the future.

ok off now blob infront of tele before thinking about dinner


Heather said...

I've put them on the list of weekly crafts, but we dont start term two until May 2nd. Thanks for the great ideas, I think the boys are especially going to LOVE the car tyre painting idea!

I cant remember the name of the bike I like. I'll have to ask Ryan. I like the really fat tyres it has. I know Ryan likes harley and ducati.

Sudafed is NOT something I take to help me sleep causes sleeplessness in me. If I take it after 2pm I am awake all night. Glad you're feeling better today!

Shandi said...

~~ooo cool let me know how the art goes
~~yeh scott likes ducatis too they are not bad and aprilas too
~~hell sudafed night tablets work great they knock me out lol its the day time tablets i found sucked!