Rather lazy day today. Nothing much accomplished at all. Few odds and ends around the place but thats about it. Was going to go out bra shopping but never made it. I even ended up dozing on the couch for like half an hour and its sunday!! damn. ahh well must have been tired from the nothingness ive been doing lol. hope i sleep tonight. sucky monday tommrow!!
so yeh nothing exciting to report really...
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
bits and pieces
Last night I had fun chatting with Heather online...followed by an early night for a friday!
Didnt really sleep too good and was awake at 5am!! dozed till bout 8.30 where got up.
The bois went out to get supplies for the new fish tank. their plan today was to build a wooden cabniet around the metal frame that we have. After a lot of time farting around it was decided we had to go to the hutt to mitre ten mega which was good as we needed to go to the fish shop out there too. By that time it was something like 1.30pm on the way home got a very late late lunch burger fuel got home at 3.30. the bois have just started now i can here the drill and saw going. HOpe that no fingers go missing or they dont glue themselves to the wood lol.
Right now i am soooo full from our late lunch snack that i feel like sleeping.
I should do some more cross stitch i was doing some earlier before we went out. for now ill curl up in a ball on the couch and watch some mindless tele and no doubt prob snooze.
Didnt really sleep too good and was awake at 5am!! dozed till bout 8.30 where got up.
The bois went out to get supplies for the new fish tank. their plan today was to build a wooden cabniet around the metal frame that we have. After a lot of time farting around it was decided we had to go to the hutt to mitre ten mega which was good as we needed to go to the fish shop out there too. By that time it was something like 1.30pm on the way home got a very late late lunch burger fuel got home at 3.30. the bois have just started now i can here the drill and saw going. HOpe that no fingers go missing or they dont glue themselves to the wood lol.
Right now i am soooo full from our late lunch snack that i feel like sleeping.
I should do some more cross stitch i was doing some earlier before we went out. for now ill curl up in a ball on the couch and watch some mindless tele and no doubt prob snooze.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Yeh i know im slack at my posts, nothing much to report i guess.
Work is getting interesting, lets say there is going to be some change happening, will let ya know at a later date whats happening/ed.
I havent done my cross stitch for a while due to some unpicking i had to do damnit i was doing so well too lol. ahh well nothing to get stressed about!
Other then that yay it friday, and home made burgers for dinner wooohoo.
Work is getting interesting, lets say there is going to be some change happening, will let ya know at a later date whats happening/ed.
I havent done my cross stitch for a while due to some unpicking i had to do damnit i was doing so well too lol. ahh well nothing to get stressed about!
Other then that yay it friday, and home made burgers for dinner wooohoo.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
short and sweet
Well most of today was spent keeping warm!! So cold today. Loving the laptop at the mo though nice and warm.
Done a lil cross-stitch and watched the illusionist was pretty good. umm and cleanned my fish tank as usual.
Tonight it it roast chicken yummy.
Right now im feeling like a drink of coke..ewww bad lol
Ahh well thats all, short and sweet.
Done a lil cross-stitch and watched the illusionist was pretty good. umm and cleanned my fish tank as usual.
Tonight it it roast chicken yummy.
Right now im feeling like a drink of coke..ewww bad lol
Ahh well thats all, short and sweet.
Fish things (again) & theatre...BLING
Hey all...
Well Scott got his new fish tank this week. It looks so much better then the one on trademe. He cant fill it up with water until next weekend as have to wait a bit for the glue to dry. Below is a pic of it. YOu will get the idea what i ment by needing holes and what not on it.
Work was busy as usual this week. I enjoy home time these days and the weekends big time so I can have a sleep in! I still hate 6am starts im sooo not a morn person.
I had a good night last night catching up with a friend. We went to watch a theatre show which was done by some students at the theatre school. It was called 'Revenge of the amazon' Was quite good and bloody funny. They sorta talked in shakesparen mixed with a bit of language used today. Was all about love, relationships,and women how they can get treated badley but all turned into something humourous. Really good. I dont mind live theatre never thought id ever go to any but thats prob been my third i think.
Today the same friend and i went shopping. She had to return a bra she got from farmers as she realised it was the wrong size. We mainly window shopped. I did buy a cool funky bling butterfly ring hehe and a bling acssesory for my phone :P Ive taken photos which i may post up at a later date. We also had lunch. I had a nice bacon and avocado panni and choc chip cookie complimented with a yummy mango slushy kinda drink.
She then came to chill out for a bit with us at home. Before you know it, it was 5pm. Took her home and got the evil kfc on the way home damnit for forgetting to get dinner out of freezer again!
So thats my weekend so far. Appart from been bloody cold its good.
Hope you all having a good one.
Well Scott got his new fish tank this week. It looks so much better then the one on trademe. He cant fill it up with water until next weekend as have to wait a bit for the glue to dry. Below is a pic of it. YOu will get the idea what i ment by needing holes and what not on it.

I had a good night last night catching up with a friend. We went to watch a theatre show which was done by some students at the theatre school. It was called 'Revenge of the amazon' Was quite good and bloody funny. They sorta talked in shakesparen mixed with a bit of language used today. Was all about love, relationships,and women how they can get treated badley but all turned into something humourous. Really good. I dont mind live theatre never thought id ever go to any but thats prob been my third i think.
Today the same friend and i went shopping. She had to return a bra she got from farmers as she realised it was the wrong size. We mainly window shopped. I did buy a cool funky bling butterfly ring hehe and a bling acssesory for my phone :P Ive taken photos which i may post up at a later date. We also had lunch. I had a nice bacon and avocado panni and choc chip cookie complimented with a yummy mango slushy kinda drink.
She then came to chill out for a bit with us at home. Before you know it, it was 5pm. Took her home and got the evil kfc on the way home damnit for forgetting to get dinner out of freezer again!
So thats my weekend so far. Appart from been bloody cold its good.
Hope you all having a good one.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Fish update
Well update on fishy thing. Seems all I write bout in here is fish these days lol. Well the tank that Scott got from trademe is going to be more effort then its worth to set up ie: getting holes put in it etc for the sump. So instead he found a professional tank maker who makes tank at the cost of $1 a litre which is pretty good. So He awaits his NEW tank which comes with holes and the proper fittings and all early this week yay. His other tank he is going to use as a refuge which will grow live food for our fishes.
Well this weekend went fast as usual. Did sweet FA really and felt tired for doing so lol.
Below are pics of me with the tank scott got from trademe. His new tank will be about that size too. This house may as well be called the 'wellington aquarium' by the time we finished lol.

Well update on fishy thing. Seems all I write bout in here is fish these days lol. Well the tank that Scott got from trademe is going to be more effort then its worth to set up ie: getting holes put in it etc for the sump. So instead he found a professional tank maker who makes tank at the cost of $1 a litre which is pretty good. So He awaits his NEW tank which comes with holes and the proper fittings and all early this week yay. His other tank he is going to use as a refuge which will grow live food for our fishes.
Well this weekend went fast as usual. Did sweet FA really and felt tired for doing so lol.
Below are pics of me with the tank scott got from trademe. His new tank will be about that size too. This house may as well be called the 'wellington aquarium' by the time we finished lol.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Coral & poor fishes
Today started off really nice weather wise and now its bloody cold and we gotta go out soon :(
We got some new coral for the new tank which is living in mine at the mo.we went for a drive last night and got it from some guy who had bought way too much for his tank. Our lil dragonet fish had a good munch on live really lil shrimp all day monday. we got this small breeding tank thing that attaches to the tank so he stays in it himself and we try make him eat. Since found out the other new camoflage fish is looking a bit dull too and it doesnt acutally eat the algey like we thought but live stuff. So we are learning things as we go along. Tonight we were ment to catch them to take them to another guys place so he can look after them and his tank has lil live things in it for them to eat. ours has no more as they both of course ate them. Since learnt do not have too dragonet fishes (camo is actually one too). So yeh fishes are a lot of work in some respect. but i still love them.!!
I have damn hayfever right now, well lately. yet i seem to manage without anything.
Have got into my cross stitch too. Even went to bunnings on monday and got myself a cool lamp. Scott says i look like a nana with my glasses on and bright lamp hanging down real low to see lol. I think i am doing pretty good and i fully remembered what to do yay.
Well im gonna have a shower to get warm and wake myself up before we go. then its home and quick dinner, prob meat patties which turn into burgers or something havent decided yet.
We got some new coral for the new tank which is living in mine at the mo.we went for a drive last night and got it from some guy who had bought way too much for his tank. Our lil dragonet fish had a good munch on live really lil shrimp all day monday. we got this small breeding tank thing that attaches to the tank so he stays in it himself and we try make him eat. Since found out the other new camoflage fish is looking a bit dull too and it doesnt acutally eat the algey like we thought but live stuff. So we are learning things as we go along. Tonight we were ment to catch them to take them to another guys place so he can look after them and his tank has lil live things in it for them to eat. ours has no more as they both of course ate them. Since learnt do not have too dragonet fishes (camo is actually one too). So yeh fishes are a lot of work in some respect. but i still love them.!!
I have damn hayfever right now, well lately. yet i seem to manage without anything.
Have got into my cross stitch too. Even went to bunnings on monday and got myself a cool lamp. Scott says i look like a nana with my glasses on and bright lamp hanging down real low to see lol. I think i am doing pretty good and i fully remembered what to do yay.
Well im gonna have a shower to get warm and wake myself up before we go. then its home and quick dinner, prob meat patties which turn into burgers or something havent decided yet.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Yeh I know...Slack
Yeh ok I know I have been slack. Guess hasn't been that much to report.
Hrmm well. Last weekend I had friends over for a dvd night. I hadnt seen one of them in like 7years!! It was good. Watched John Tucker must die. A comedy about a guy who was seeing like 3 girls at once and they found out so decided to make his life hell. We had Nacho Libre which Scott and I watched the next day. It wasnt that great. I actually fell asleep during it lol.
During the week Ive had work as usual. Its busy as with 3 new babies starting basically the same time. Proving quite a challenge. Especially with one boy who has never slept in a cot before as mummy and daddy put him in a pram in the day to rock him and then at night in his bed. Man that is sooo wrong. They did it as they didnt like to hear him cry. I mean wheres the intimacy and own time they get in bed?? They know they've done wrong and have tried to start him in his own cot.!!!!
Scott bought a fish tank on trademe which we picked up from Porirua on Tuesday. It holds 400L double mine. He wants it for a project to do which will look awesome set up. Since we have had practice with the one we got now we sorta know how to make it look better and ways around things etc. Trademe is good but evil lol. I got a handbag and top from it too. Im still waiting for them in the mail which prob wont be till Tuesday after the long weekend.
We have had problems with our lil Dragonet Fish not eating :( When Scott researched he found they die easily. But when talking to the guy at the fish shop he said that was only in America. He since found out that he prob will die. He eats live stuff you see and our stuff is frozen. Apparently he will eat it but we have tried to make a lil food trap for him to go into and eat. Problem is he not that intersted in going in it, totally avoids it. Ahh well we will keep trying. Fingers crossed he doesnt die as he is really cool.
Today we had lots to do. Scott wanted to price up wood to build a cabniet for the new tank to go on. Its not possible we found out for what he wants and it will totally lean or slack hard out with the heavy weight on top. so for now we got two massive planks of wood for it to sit on and later Scott will prob build around a steel frame we have to make cupboards etc, make it look cool. We also went to the fish shop yet again to start getting supplies for the new tank. I also am thinking bout getting a lil one so I can have seahorses hehe. My gosh soon our house will be full with sea creatures lol. Its fun though. A good hobbie which I never get sick of looking at. Cleanning the tank can be a drag sometime but ahh well would be the same as having to take a dog for a walk or something.
I also checked out spotlight. And finally got a couple of cross-stitches. Now I just need to sit down and remember how to do it lol.i One is a tiger which will look really really cool. Another I may give as a pressie its just a cool bear thing. Oh and we saw Pinatas at spotlight too that you can acutally buy and full up with sweets lol. HOw cool huh. Im thinking it would be cool to have a pinata party lol. At first I thought you could buy a kit to make them yaself but ya cant. Was so tempted to get one as had 50% off.
Once we got home today it ended up been later then we thought so it was kfc for lunch damnit lol. I then fully did my cleanning hard out and also my tank.
Oh and this morn I made Strawberry Margarita slushy and put it in the freezer. HOpefully in couple more hours it be ready mmmm. Having a mate come over later to catch up so prob have a couple with her and watch a movie or something.
So there is my update anyways. Nothing too much really.
Hrmm well. Last weekend I had friends over for a dvd night. I hadnt seen one of them in like 7years!! It was good. Watched John Tucker must die. A comedy about a guy who was seeing like 3 girls at once and they found out so decided to make his life hell. We had Nacho Libre which Scott and I watched the next day. It wasnt that great. I actually fell asleep during it lol.
During the week Ive had work as usual. Its busy as with 3 new babies starting basically the same time. Proving quite a challenge. Especially with one boy who has never slept in a cot before as mummy and daddy put him in a pram in the day to rock him and then at night in his bed. Man that is sooo wrong. They did it as they didnt like to hear him cry. I mean wheres the intimacy and own time they get in bed?? They know they've done wrong and have tried to start him in his own cot.!!!!
Scott bought a fish tank on trademe which we picked up from Porirua on Tuesday. It holds 400L double mine. He wants it for a project to do which will look awesome set up. Since we have had practice with the one we got now we sorta know how to make it look better and ways around things etc. Trademe is good but evil lol. I got a handbag and top from it too. Im still waiting for them in the mail which prob wont be till Tuesday after the long weekend.
We have had problems with our lil Dragonet Fish not eating :( When Scott researched he found they die easily. But when talking to the guy at the fish shop he said that was only in America. He since found out that he prob will die. He eats live stuff you see and our stuff is frozen. Apparently he will eat it but we have tried to make a lil food trap for him to go into and eat. Problem is he not that intersted in going in it, totally avoids it. Ahh well we will keep trying. Fingers crossed he doesnt die as he is really cool.
Today we had lots to do. Scott wanted to price up wood to build a cabniet for the new tank to go on. Its not possible we found out for what he wants and it will totally lean or slack hard out with the heavy weight on top. so for now we got two massive planks of wood for it to sit on and later Scott will prob build around a steel frame we have to make cupboards etc, make it look cool. We also went to the fish shop yet again to start getting supplies for the new tank. I also am thinking bout getting a lil one so I can have seahorses hehe. My gosh soon our house will be full with sea creatures lol. Its fun though. A good hobbie which I never get sick of looking at. Cleanning the tank can be a drag sometime but ahh well would be the same as having to take a dog for a walk or something.
I also checked out spotlight. And finally got a couple of cross-stitches. Now I just need to sit down and remember how to do it lol.i One is a tiger which will look really really cool. Another I may give as a pressie its just a cool bear thing. Oh and we saw Pinatas at spotlight too that you can acutally buy and full up with sweets lol. HOw cool huh. Im thinking it would be cool to have a pinata party lol. At first I thought you could buy a kit to make them yaself but ya cant. Was so tempted to get one as had 50% off.
Once we got home today it ended up been later then we thought so it was kfc for lunch damnit lol. I then fully did my cleanning hard out and also my tank.
Oh and this morn I made Strawberry Margarita slushy and put it in the freezer. HOpefully in couple more hours it be ready mmmm. Having a mate come over later to catch up so prob have a couple with her and watch a movie or something.
So there is my update anyways. Nothing too much really.
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