Wednesday, February 28, 2007
walking and strange creatures
Went out for a walk again tonight, only half hour again. Decided to go the other way this time. Better roads with hills not so steep and easy to walk up. Felt tired from it as usual though, but i was tired to begin with. so far ive only mangaged two walks this week until i get used to it.
We also seem to have been getting a lot of strange visitors since we've been here. Scott has seen a couple of white tails, we had a mouse in James wardrobe, a cicada (spelling) that flew in our vent over the stove and today outside James bathroom I seen a big ass weater. Now they are creepy fuckers. Scott is freaked by them too. But i did the thing of getting it as i was going for my walk and i would have freaked if it wasnt there when i got back. I picked it up with a box and threw it out the window. Ive never really looked too up close at big ass ones didnt realise they had such big claw things ouch!!!!
Right bed as usual, have liked blobbing in bed watching tele and chatting before i fall asleep has been good!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Maybe baby
The answer to Maybe baby is we think we could be expecting some lil clown fish babies or two:P we are not sure yet but they were acting very strange and more affectionate to each other and hanging around the bottom of the coral rocks lots. When we looked that up we found they can sometimes bury their eggs by the rock!
We may not see any though as if we really really want them we need to get another tank and get the eggs at night so they hatch in a tank of their own. This will allow them to surive. Since we have no $ to do that right now we are thinking of doing it sometime in the future, would be good $ selling them too!!
It would be cool if we did see one survive though:)
Well last couple of days I havent done much....
Been too sore to walk lol.Was going to tonight but time went by fast.
I have been eating really well though I may add,except for tonight when i had a few corn chips with mince for nachos at dinnner.
The week is going by really fast, yay thursday tommrow which means friday soon woohooo!!
Right bed calls :)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
omg my ass n legs!
This lil girl got off her ass when she got home from work and went for a WALK!! omg did it kill me or what, so not used to these hills. Only went for half an hour that was enough. I felt like I had played a whole netball game playing centre thats how buggerd I was. Im so unfit!. My ass and legs were burning lol. and i have a headache now though i was sorta getting one this avo anyway
Now all I need to do is keep this up on a regular basis, hrmm whose wishing to place bets to see how long it lasts haha..
anyhow must go take some nurofen then lay in bed.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Cuba St and Pinatas
Today we went into Jville town which isnt far at all from us. I got a 99% fat free yoghurt smoothie drink (since im going to try so hard now to eat good and loose weight after my depressing weigh in yesterday on our new scales) Yeh I know some of you would say psshh you are fine...but when you jump on some scales that you havent done in say 6mnths lil more and see what weight you have go to its like ahh, and ya feel kinda blah and depressed!
We went into the hutt today for a bit of window shopping really, oh and the games shop. Scott has been going on about this game called viva pinata. He reckoned I would like it from what he has heard. So we got it. I got home and done some stuff that needed doing and then played..He was so right it is a hard case game. Its more of a girly/kid kinda game where you have to make a garden and make it all pretty etc then all these pinatas come into live cause they like it. you get to name them, build them houses and make them mate hehe. funny as shit. so i had fun for couple of hours this avo playing it.
Made sausage dish for dinner tonight with rice was yum. and then chilled for a bit.
Time for bed soon...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Here ya go...
1. I've come to realize that my very much a good friend whom should of being from the start instead of having a relationship
2. I am listening to... Pink
3. I talk... when I feel comfortable around people
4. I love... Friends, family, partner,,mmmm and chocolate :P
5. My best friends... are the ones I treasure and hope stay great friends
7. I lost... my manicure set damnit in my travels...
8. I hate it when people...dont make an effort, cold hearted and not caring-treat ppl like shite
9. Love is...everywhere
10. Marriage is... not something everyone does
11. Somewhere, someone is thinking... what they are going to have for dinner?
12. I'll always be... ME, shy, caring and unique
13. I have a crush on... Johnny Depp mmmm oo and the prison break dude mmmm
14. The last time I cried was because... stress from my old job and when i told that boss im leaving!
15. My cell phone... is a vodafone one yay
16. When I wake up in the morning... I think do i really have to get up?
17. Before I go to sleep at night... I do my face (moisturisor etc), watch tele, chat to scott, cuddles etc
18. Right now I am thinking about... how depressed I am bout my weight :S
19. Babies are... very cute and great when you get to give them back at the end of the day!
20. I get on myspace... never have
21. Today I...went shopping with scott into porirua to get some bathroom scales, bad move that was lol
22. Tonight I will... mabye go into central to the carnival that is on
23. Soon I will... go and put new sheets and duvet cover on the bed
24. I really want.... to wake up and my teacher registration is done and my body is lean and tonned :)
Start to the weekend
I was ment to have picnic at work with parents, staff and kiddies as a way to get to know each other and welcome those that are new. but the weather had been shit all day so my boss cancelled it. Pitty though as it actually could have happened, it cleared up!! ahh well.. It was nice to come home and blob a bit, have a shower and then cook dinner.
After dinner we actually went out and mingled with a couple we have meet down here. They invited us to watch the rugby at their house with a few of their friends. Now we are so not into rugby, i used to be but not really now, and scott hasnt watched a game since he was like 5 or somehting lol. but it was cool to get to know some other people here in this town. Turned out to be quite a good night. No one was into seriously quiet and watch rugby. We all chatted as well as watching and trying to catch her bird to put in the cage.
Their place is like a zoo lol. Poor scott had to take some hayfever stuff before we went as he knew they had a cat and dog! Turns out they have two cats, a lil puppy its soo cute, cant remember the sort but it doesnt grow too big. and a crazy bird that flies around inside and lands on ya lol Gosh it took me a while to get used to that thing, at one time i didnt want it on my anymore so i tried to get it off, damn thing bit me the bitch lol.
The puppy was so cute, He spent most of the time on my knee snoozing while i rubbed his head hehe. His name is Chester :P
Got home and was so tired so went to bed, didnt take long to crash out!
This morning I am going to do the general things like tidy, washing etc. Then i think we are off to the Hutt to go shopping, well more like I want to go to the farmers sale as i see they have some cool as bathroom scales half price!! and i want some! Hopefully it will be a start to my loosing weight and getting fit, will actally motivate me...i hope hehe.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Still here
I have just been extreamly tired these past few days. Mostly I have come home and showered made sure ive got dinner all sorted and blobbed for al bit nearly falling asleep. I then cook dinner, clean up and usually im in bed watching tele that I fall asleep too lol. I guess im just still getting used to the 7am starts at work. My body has this week told me eww dont like lol. Think im going to have to pop a few boroccas lol
The last few days i havent really been up to much, just as ive already said.
Had our first inspection of the house which just involves the property manager coming in and seeing if things are all intact etc. No probs so yay.
I need to get my hair cut and coloured again bad, have to wait for a bit of pay to come through first hopefully around my birthday in March i will treat myself :)
Ive been looking at things for Stacey too when bubs is born, found this cute as site but shit its expensive. they have cool lil wraps to put bubs in, i really wanna save up and get her one. Apparently I am cute sometimes according to Stacey when i told her this :)
Ooo and Heather I think we are going to get one of those coupon book things. Some lady at Scotts work is selling them. Will be cool as it will give us an idea of things around the place to see and do.
anyways Ciao
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Aww weekend nearing an end
Didnt to anything today at all. Felt a bit blah earlier actually. Very sore neck that was making me feel sick and bit of a headache. Bit better now but its still there.
I blobbed in the sun for a bit, and also infront of the tele flicking through sky channels.
Scott sorted out the coral in our fish tank by bleaching it to make it white again. We are going to get some new things to put in soon, real plants etc that will help keep algey away. And then in few months hopefully a couple more fish yay. Fish that will not be agressive. We want a very peaceful tank!
I went to the supermarket to get some things for lunch. Also popped into Pumpkin Patch as they had up to 50-60% stuff which was mainly summer gear. Kinda sucked as found cute outfit for newborn but it is summery and since Staceys bubs will be born in winter it wasnt good. Did see a sunhat I shoulda got now and also a cool t-shirt for when hes older, and blanket which she wont need now getting two from her mum. ahh well plenty of time will look out for sales later.
Good to see ya got some good maternity bras too Stacey!!! :) and that top sounds very ideal.
This afternoon havent done too much. Met a couple that came over for a visit. They live in Jville was cool to meet them and that we could possibly to stuff with. They seemed very cool :)
Ooo btw last night we had a little friend in our house. I was upstairs in our room, and i heard James run up the stairs and then Scott run down with him. Heard some noises and I was like hrmm so went to investigate. here is scott and james standing by james's wardrobe. I was like omg what is in there that is going to jump out and scare me lol. I kinda thought a big ass spider or white tail and freaked. It was only a mouse lol. Bloody big one though. It must have got through james's window he had left open all day when he was out and had his door closed. It somehow had climbed up onto his jacket hanging up. Clever thing, i didnt think they could jump as it had nothing for it to climb up that far. Anyway we cornered it with a big plastic container and some lids. It rain stright into the container where james put on the lid fast. Then we all went for a walk up the road to let it go in a bush somewhere lol. Though the boys wanted to put it down the drain, i told them off lol.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Todays happenings
We had a sleep in today was great! I was so shattered that I dont even remember Scott coming to bed last night, though he said I groaned when he opened the door lol (no way to open it quietly) Nor did I feel him climb into bed which I usually do. Totally fuked I was lol.
I had a very bizzare dream last night. It involved me been at some party, very posh I guess with tables set out flash to eat on, expenisve nibbles and wine. Was with people I didnt really know, though one of the parents from my old job in palmy was there. I had a couple of wines which made me quite comfortable and happy lol. The next thing a guy is giving me a lolly pop. A very strange rectangular shape one and when you sucked it, it left rainbow colours on your tounge. Now this lolly pop was a 'special one' lol It was a lolly pop with opium in it lol. Weird huh. The next thing in my dream I feel like im floating from been so high lol though I didnt have much of it. I talked to the parent in my dream who said I looked like shit lol. I asked bout her son (hes the one with the lump under his chin if you remember?) and she said it would take another year for them to oporate on him so it would be huge and it may affect his breathing.... I then woke up lol Pretty fucked huh?? Dreams are very strange. Would love to get hold of one of those dream books with the meaning of them etc!
Anyway, today we went into Porirua. Had a lookies in the warehouse where I got some picture hooks to finally hang up my photos yay! Checked out noel leamings just to be nosey and Scott got some charger thingee for his xbox and I rememberd I needed more coloured ink for my printer. Across the road we saw a shop called 'craftworld'. I thought cool Ill go have a look and may buy some cross stitch to get back into. Well we walked in where the shop is actually made up of various craft stuff that people have made to sell. It was all set up like how you would go to one of those craft shows (own booths) I was in heaven lol. Saw so many pressie ideas and hand made baby stuff which was like awww as so tiny! Given me good ideas for pressie for Staceys bub :)
We got lunch on the way home something from brumbies and a coffee. A very late lunch but thats ok.
I hung my photos up yay. The one of us girls from Staceys wedding is finally our bedroom wall :)
ooo and my Johnny Depp calender mmmmm ;) lol
Well its 7.20pm Sat and I guess should start thinking bout dinner before it gets too late.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
last few days
Yes I know time for an entry Heather :P
Well since wait Monday I have had family staying. On Monday night my brother and his gf stayed the night as they needed to catch the ferry 8am Tuesday morning to go to Dunedin for study again!! They turned up bout 4.30, found the place easy too which was good. They were good and hardley heard from them. I let them watch tele on our 50", I think they were like wow as not used to it lol. Scott had to start work at 6am instead of 7am so woke them up on his way out. They left at 6.15 to give them enough time since they had to be there by 7am or something!
Tuesday night. My ma and pa (from the naki) and my nana (from levin) arrived bout 10pm. I was so tired waiting up for them. Dad came down for work so thought he would bring my mummy and nana along to see the place.
Wednesday I let my mum and nana have the car while i was at work so they could go and do their thing and visit nanas friend. Dad went into central for work and stayed in a hotel work puts him in. We had a yummy bbq that night (valentines) and mum made some yummy salad to go with:) I even cooked on the bbq I didnt mind. Had lots left over so James had a feed when he got home :P
Thursday was my mummys birthday. I had already given her a pressie when in taranaki. She got a dvd (slilent hill, good scarey horror, and cause she just got a dvd player for xmas), and a magnet to put on her fridge something bout the house tidy cant remember. Before they left thursday at bout 4.30 I gave mum an extra pressie. some perfume that I had been keeping for someone (used cuple of times) Its from nurtimetics and its nice as, ive got one that was released afer the one i gave mum. she was happy as i think. its in a nice small bottle so you can fit in handbag!
Thursday night we were kinda like yay house back to normal again. it was nice having them stay though but you know how ya like ya own space and stuff.
Im so glad it is friday, im absolutley stuffed! feel like a zombie eyes trying to stay open. prob doent help the glass of wine im drinking (trying to get rid of the bottle shhh hehe left over from v day bbq)
Im very much looking forward to my sleep in and weekend. Its been a good week though. Job is still going well :)
Not sure what we are up to yet. Scotts nana is ment to be in Welly so I think we were hoping to go and have lunch with her and her friend tommrow!
Well i should think bout dinner i guess.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Wedding weekend
~~We had a lovely weekend away for the wedding. Appart from not realising how bad the traffic is on a friday when we left at 4.30pm for Taranaki....It took us five and half hours to get there instead of four hours! So absolutely shatterd by the time we got there.
~~Saturday was spent relaxing until the wedding really. Thanks Heather for you text I was acutally in a cubicle in farmers trying on strapless bras lol. Found one that is soo good and was cheaper too and doesnt have those stupid plasctic rubber things that dig into you
~~The wedding was lovely as. Primo weather for it. It was right at the beach surf club. Nice venue and set up and reception was there too. Yummy nibbles avaiable and drinks too. My god it was hot though, the breeze decided to die down for the cermony. we were all sweating as. Scotts mum said she felt it drip down her legs to the ground where she quietly moved making it look like it wasnt her puddle lol.
~~Met some really cool people and also finally Scotts grandad which i had never met, hes a nutcase apparently. which i would prob say i agree in the short time i saw him. just observing him and listening was enough lol.
~~Lots of funny things were said over the day and night, everyone was laughing and crying (though happy tears) :)
Got back late yesterday very tired tonight
~~So gutted i cant see you Heather :( My brother is going to Dunedin for study so is staying to catch the ferry in the morn. Dunno when ill bump into him again. I dont intend to travel for a long while yet very much travelled out!!
~~Anyway must go, catch you all some other time.not sure when ill write again as my parents and nana are coming tues to stay for a couple of nights so they can see the place.
Here are some photos of the wedding, enjoy!

*wow a photo of us, ive been trying for how many years now!! lol

*The cute lil table name tags which were surrounded by small pink hearts

*Gorgeous bride and groom (luv his kilt?) & alas us!

*The cake which I think is simple and effective. (pitty it was fruit cake which i dont like)

*Check out the cool sunset :)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Melting here
Man it is hot. I cant believe Wellington is getting this kinda weather, I always thought it was reallywindy hehe. Ive been told its a bit unsual for this town though. The last few days have been sooo hot, like Palmy weather hot, all muggy with no wind! Its gross. Thought I moved away from that shit!. I shouldnt complain though as before you know it, it will be winter and will suck big time then what im used to. So glad we have a nice place though, that when winter comes and will be all nice and warm.
We got sky installed yesterday yay. Finally we have tv. We had to get it installed in order to get normal tele, But we got the channels like discovery n stuff and movies. Works out good price too as ya do it through telecom. Ive been soo tired to watch anything yet though as such.
Work has been going good. The boss wasnt there again today but I get on really well with the head teacher of the over twos. Its cool we have chats and bring together our ideas etc. Today she told me that I use my initiative more then others do on the job and im very efficent. She said that was good for a young person like me too, which I dont get quite what she ment, maybe young people dont have initiative and stuff?? I dunno.? Shes prob bout early 40's id say but dont look that at all, and her daughter who is 19 is due to give birth anyday!
So glad your having a good time Heather appart from the ass things that happend. Hope on the rest of your journey you encounter much better people then that.
Hope you guys all had a good time at the cafe with silk cake if you went.
Well im off to blob and then dinner. We are all having takeout by the sounds since James had a shit day at work. Then im going to pack my bags for this weekend since we are leaving straight after work tommorw.
Well if im not on here before then take care and have a good one :)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Lovely day again

My new shoes to wear for the wedding :)

The necklace & earrings for wedding (sorry pic sucks)
~~Well yay as you can see uploading of photos decided to work on me finally. Dunno what was happening.
Yay for sunny days again. The weather has been good lately and hot too. Though im told its a lil unusual for Wellington and am dreading the cold and windy winters :(
~~Today was such a nice day. We put on a bbq lunch. This morning I organised nibbles with pineapple, orange, grapes and blueberrys. I also done a cheese and cracker plate with tomato, cucumber and carrots and hummus. Made a salad and also cheated and got some potato salad and coleslaw from supermarket:P I invitied a couple of mates who already live here. They came with their partners and an ex work mate from Palmy was down for the day so she came with a friend and her 2 year old son. James had a mate over too. He got bbq cooking duty hehe ... and done a bloody good job, just may have to keep him on :P
Everyone ate lots and got on great. It was good catching up with my mate I hadnt seen in two years and it turns out she lives around the corner from me yet she is moving to the hutt soon:(It was also cool as they guys all talked and played xbox when us girlies were babbling hehe. My workmates son loved wondering around the place trying to find things to play with like soft toys in my room and a small bike which he pushed around making noises hehe.
So I have had a good day off (thanks waitangi day lol, damn you not been a long weekend though!)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Sunny days :)
Today was nice at work. Bloody hot though,bout the second hottest day since we've been here and with no wind. There is a slight breeze now which is nice.
I opened by myself at work. My boss was sweet and rung me last night to confirm and make sure id be ok with it.Of course i am. The mornings are easy as setting up and if ive forgotten anything the 7.30 start person would remind me. I did everything right today so yay. My boss had a chat with me to see how things are going. She is very pleased with me and I have a nice personality etc which was nice. She also said it feels as thought ive been there for ages as ive fitted in really well. I was thinking that too actually how a week has gone by fast but it feels like ive been there longer!!
7am starts are a bit of a struggle still lol but ill get used to it. Its good finishing at 3.30 :) could be 4pm when we get a lil busy but hey thats good too.
Went to the supermarket on the way home to get a few bits and pieces. Tommrow since its a day off we are going to have a bbq lunch. Have invited a couple of mates that live here to come and an old work mate is down this way tommrow so i said she should come to it too. I just hope everyone turns up hehe. James is having a mate come over tommrow thats where the idea came bout of having one.
In the supermarket i just bout bumped into a girl i know who lives in welly somewhere which i dont really like. When i noticed her i ran and hid in an ile and waited for her to be nearly through a checkout before finding one lol .I know it sounds mean but she just annoys me, an old school friend from way back. Yet i find her very clingly(like to the point she would follow me to the toilet and i wouldnt know and id open the door and bang she'd be right there in my face!!) and not really that mature and annoying in the past and recent times too. I know i shouldnt do it as i have such a caring nature but i guess we are not all perfect and there has to be some things in life that bug us. ive even told mum not to tell her parents where i am. mums too soft and i know she will if they ask how i am! Her mum is bad enough too. Its like shes brought her daughters up to stay as little kids forever. scott doesnt like her mum or her either and i didnt even tell him what they were like before he met them.
MMM im looking forward to my bbq, got yummy things like crackers and camerbert, grapes, salads etc.
yummy. HOpe everyones day off tommrow is nice :)
Saturday, February 03, 2007
good weekend
James attacked the garden what a good house bitch hehe. I tried to pull out some weeds which i realised were kinda hard to do (growing in cracks of concrete)
Today i blobbed out a bit in the morning i then went shopping in jville. got myself some shoes and necklace and earrings for a wedding we got next weekend. Also got my mummy a dvd for her bday which is soon and i found the first season of prison break on dvd yeh i luv that show.. mmm so hot ;) found scott a dvd too which i surprised him with. This afternoon when i got back i enjoyed the sun. didnt stay out too long though but enough to read a magazine. i also cleanned my fishes home which i think they luved lol had one nibble at me while my hand was in there hehe.
also had a squiz on trademe looking at draws and things for stacey:)
grr was gonna put up photos of my shoes and necklace etc but for some reason wont upload them.anyone else having probs??
will post them up soon as can
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Got through the first week!
There are so cool and cute kiddies at this centre too. Even though I miss my kiddies from my old job I know I will make some cool bonds with the ones here :) There is one lil boy who is so cool and kinda reminds me of one of my old kiddies. Hes a rat bag for sure. He will sometimes hit kids and smile so he knows he isnt ment to (he too young to talk). He will also run up to you arms up smiling and then trick ya and run the other way,hes not long walked so looks like a lil robot arms out all the time lol. Hes such a character!
On wednesday I had a go at opening at 7am with my boss. I got there before her so unlocked the place, found the checklist and used my initiative and started doing the things needed. She was impressed so thats all good:)
Yesterday I had to go to a first aid course. It was right on 'the terrace' in central Welly. Not so bad driving in but what a mission to get home again. It took me like nearly 40mins yet if no traffic prob take bout 15!! So dont want to have to go central again or ever if can help it! Met some really cool people on my course too. All very cool.
Ooo and Heather if you are reading this, the night before my first aid course I had restless sleep and dreams prob cause I was worried bout driving in and finding the place etc. And for some funny reason you were in my dream. You were actually the classes first aid tutor for the day lol funny huh. The other thing is there was a lady that took it who was Australian!!!Cracked me up a lil, right country anyway lol
Well I am glad its the weekend I am totally tired as. Last night I prob was asleep by 9.30pm.Tonight ill prob crash out too if not hell sleep in tommrw morn for sure!!!!
Peace xx